During the shedding process, it is not advisable to handle them because of their temperament. Beginner breeder would see the snakes condition before shedding alarming because of their dull skin and blue eyes, but these are just normal; it will go back to its normal condition after 1-2 days and expect that the shedding process will take place. It is important to observe the way they shed skin; it should be removed all at once. If the skin is being removed in patches then there is something wrong with the temperature and humidity level.
To make sure that there will be no problem in the shedding process, make sure that your pet is always hydrated so that there will be no problem in excreting a lymphatic fluid that will aid in the shedding process. Make sure that their environment is also moist by spraying water on the sides of their tank. Once the skin has been removed, take it out from the tank immediately so as not to cause bacterial buildup.