
Pac-Man Frogs / South American Horned Frogs Care Sheet

Pac-Man Frogs

Scientific Facts

Common Name:Pac-Man Frog, South American Horned Frogs
Scientific Name:Ceratophrys ornata
Life Span:12 – 15 years (in captivity)
Size:Male: 2.5 – 4 inches female: 4 to 7 inches 
Habitat:Dense forests, rainforests 
Country of Origin:South America 

Physical Description

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One of the most popular and charismatic living amphibians living on the planet today is the Pac-Man frog. Countless homes have made this adorable creature their beloved pet. No one can seem to resist their comical appearance, which is extremely cute and unique. Also known as the South American horned frogs or ornate horned frogs, their popular name comes from a classic video game character called, well, Pac-Man. And this is because their appearance resembles just like Pac-Man. These frogs are known for their massive mouth and round shape body. 

What’s make these frogs more attractive to pet lovers is that they vary in different bright color forms. They are also readily available online, and you can find multitudes of Pac-Man breeders worldwide. Also, they can be found in most brick-and-mortar pet stores. Due to their availability and easy-to-care-for nature, these frogs are now considered as one of the most sought-after pets in the market. 


Another reason why these frogs are in demand in the pet industry is that they are available in different morphs. Each morph presents the different designs, colors, and patterns. Breeders are always thrilled to see new morphs. Some of them are cross-breeding various morphs to come up with new ones. Here are some of the most popular and adorable morphs that you can find in the market today. 

Green Pac-Man Frog

Green Pac-Man frog is considered as the “regular” or “normal” morph. It’s the standard coloration for these types of frogs. They have bright color green skin with brown spots. And it’s worth mentioning that it’s not actually “green” that is the natural color of Pac-Man frogs but the color brown. 

Albino Pac-Man Frog

Albino Pac-Man frogs are true beauties. Their lack of pigment makes them special. It’s important to note though that although they are called “albino,” they still sport a yellow and orange skin tone. Also, what makes them more attractive is that they have red eyes. This morph was originally bred and created by The Frog Ranch in 1992. 

Chocolate Mint Pac-Man Frog

Another very popular morph that you’ll find in the frog pet industry is the Chocolate Mint Pac-Man frog. It has a beautiful combination of yellow, orange, green, and brown. These morphs don’t only possess a delectable name, but they also feature beautiful patterns and color combinations. The main difference with the Green Pac-Man frogs and Chocolate Mint ones is that the former has brighter green skin color while the latter has paler tones. 

High Red Ornate Pac-Man Frog

For frog keepers who like collecting vibrant color Pac-Mans, the High Red Ornate is highly recommended. This would explain it there a “high” in its name. This beautiful morph is filled with lots of colors. It has noticeable red and some wonderful combinations of orange, green, and brown. 

Strawberry Pineapple Albino Pacman Frog

This morph is perhaps the most adorable in the bunch. It has a fruity color skin that resembles a standard strawberry morph. It has glowing pink skin tones which make it very attractive to breeders worldwide. It’s also considered as an albino morph. And just like any other albino animals, this particular morph has bright red eyes. Its blood vessels are very noticeable, hence, it looks like there’s blood inside their eyes. 

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Life Span

Pac-Man frogs can live for about 15 years in captivity. But for them to reach the said life span, the captive environment should always be at optimal conditions. These amphibians, though very easy to care and maintain, need to be supplied with the right food and environment. Also, it’s not surprising to see well-cared-for horned frogs that can live as long as 25 to 30 years. Regular aestivation is necessary if you want your frogs to live for long. However, you have to be very careful when it comes to aestivation since they come with its dangers. Pick only those frogs that are fit and healthy enough to be subjected to the stresses involved with the process. 

Stages of Pac-Man Frogs


To successfully breed these amphibians, it is essential that you help them get in the “mood for love.” You can do this by creating an environment that is both dry and cool. It should last for a couple of months. It is then followed by a moisty environment as that of the rainy season. Most users use misters inside the terrarium or cage to mimic the rain – using spray bottles is also okay. After days of misting and providing moisture in the environment. Female frogs will then start laying up 1,000 eggs. You can expect these eggs to hatch into tadpoles within 2 to 3 days. 


Pac-Man tadpoles are prolific eaters, and they are carnivorous. Just because they look like a fish doesn’t mean that you can place them together with your fish pets, because, well, your fish will end up as their snack. Keep in mind to place these tadpoles in a community-like habitat. Also, it’s essential to place large assortments inside the aquarium, such as plants (natural or synthetic). These provide a safe hiding place for juvenile frogs. It’s also very useful in preventing them from cannibalizing each other. 

There are some keepers or breeders who like to sort these tadpoles by size. However, they grow at a very rapid rate and so you have to ensure that you sort them at least once a day. There are also some that house each tadpole in a cup. And within 3 to 5 weeks, these cute tadpoles should undergo metamorphosis and becomes cute little froglets.

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Once you observe that the tadpoles are now growing their legs and the tail is absorbed, then you can now feed them with meals that are suitable for juvenile or young frogs. Froglets can eat various small creatures from locusts, pinky mice, goldfish or any small fish, and various types of worms such as waxworms or mealworms. Be very careful, though when feeding these froglets since they bite and would not hesitate to get your fingers. Just like the Pac-Man video game character, they are very voracious eaters and will consume almost anything that can fit inside their mouths. 

What’s great about these frogs is that they are not picky or “choosy” when it comes to their meals. However, make sure that you don’t feed them meals that are too large for them. Oversized foods can choke them, and many frogs have died due to choking hazard. As much as possible, you want to make sure that you feed them with meals that are rich in protein. This should boost their growth and reach full size within a year. Moderate diets make their growth rate slower. If you feed them with worms and crickets only, then it may take 3 to 4 years before they reach their adult size. 

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Adult Pac-Man

With successful feeding and care, your dear Pac-Man frogs should grow at a fast rapid rate. Once they become an adult, their color and patterns start to become more clear and vibrant. Adult Pac-Man frogs don’t like to be handled, and they have a reputation for being a grump. You should provide great care to your Pac-Man frogs even if they are already an adult since they are prone to different kinds of illnesses and diseases. Moreover, you need to remember that the adults have teeth and quick to bite – although their bites don’t hurt. They love the sedentary lifestyle, and they burrow into the substrate and wait to ambush their prey.

Eating Habits

Pac-Man is unlike any other frog when it comes to eating. They have a voracious appetite and can swallow anything that fits inside their mouth. Their staple foods are roaches and crickets. But you can also feed them with other kinds of meals such as pinky mice, worms, and even fish. Feeding them with the right amount of food is crucial if you want to help them grow and develop into fit and healthy creatures. Consider their size as well as their temperature when giving feeding them. Don’t put all its meals in one serving but instead, you have to allow cool down or let them rest a little bit. You also might wonder why they refuse to eat. This is called brumation which is quite typical to frogs. 

To properly gauge the amount of feeding, you have to observe and study their appearance. A healthy frog has to have a round body, but if you think that they are unnaturally large, then you might have overfed them. Cutting back on feeding is important if you think that they have grown so large compared to other frogs. 

Remember that these frogs are ambush predators. You can’t expect them to immediately jump on their food once you drop it inside the cage or terrarium. Rather, they wait for their prey to come near to them. As mentioned earlier, these frogs love to burrow, and they have an eye positioned directly on top of their heads. They love to remain buried up to their eyes in the substrate that you’ve placed, and they will wait for their unsuspecting prey to pass by. They will then lunge forward with incredible speed to grab their prey. 


Some juvenile Pac-Man frogs have a quite different strategy when it comes to eating their prey. What they do is they raise their hind limb over their head and create a lure to attract their prey, be it a lizard, insect, or mice. This behavior though is rare though and not all frogs in captive do this since they are used to readily available supply of foods. Be sure that you offer your young frogs or froglets food every day. Their diet should consist of high amounts of protein. You can feed your froglets with roaches, crickets, mice, fish, and earthworms. Let them consume as much food as they can in a sitting. 

If you have a young frog that is very challenging to feed, then what you can do is you can place a suitable size mealworm or earthworm in the shallow water. This should temp tempt them to grab and eat their meals. The reasons behind this are that the wiggling motion of the worm resembles that of a tadpole which dramatically motivates their feeding response.


Compared to froglets, you can feed adult frogs with less food. You can feed them every few days. In fact, you can feed them once a week – just make sure that it’s a good meal. They will always feed in whatever you give them, and to avoid overfeeding, make sure that you make a schedule. Remember that an overfed frog is an unhealthy frog. Adults can eat shrimps, prawns, and even pre-killed insects or rodents. Large females can eat a one-day-old chick. Giving your female frogs chicks or rodents once in a while is healthy but be sure that you feed them once a week only if you’re serving this type of menu. 

When feeding them mice, be sure that you only feed them once in a while since they can become addicted to it and might not eat other meals that you give them. This can result in a refusal to eat any other types of food. The best to feed them with mice or chick is do it every other week. Also, it’s quite typical for newly acquired frogs to refuse to eat, thus you need to give them varied meals and at the same time supplement them with one feeding every other week. Never force-feed your frogs since this can cause harm than good. For stubborn frogs that refuse to eat when you eat, you can darken their cage or terrarium and keep it humid. Add several roaches, worms, or locusts inside. 

Tips on How to Feed

Pac-Man frogs are aggressive feeders and so be careful when you’re trying to feed them. They have very sharp teeth that run along their strong upper jaw. These frogs also have a pair of large odontoid projections on the lower jaw which is designed to keep hold of their slippery prey. Although the bite of a Pac-Man frog won’t hurt, it often draws blood. When accidentally bitten, it’s not recommended that you forcefully remove your fingers or hands but instead you have to wait for the frog to let go on its own. 

Pulling them away from risks a more serious cut from their lower odontoid projections. Anyone who was bitten by this frog knows that the bite is not the worst part but their sticky tongue mucus which is quite difficult to remove. Handling them is not recommended, however, you have to move them when checking their health or cleaning their cage or terrarium. 

Sleeping Habits

Pac-Man frogs are nocturnal, which means that they are most active at night and spend most of their day sleeping or burrowing. But although they are night creatures, they still need a consistent day and night cycle. It’s recommended that you provide them with 10 to 12 hours of light for the day. Some keepers use supplement lighting, however, they are not necessary. A normal ambient room lighting during the day is enough. 


You have to provide your frogs with a shallow bowl of water. These frogs are frolic drinkers, but you have to be very careful about the levels of water that you put inside the cage. They are bad swimmers, and high levels of water may drown them. It’s also essential that you change the water from time to time. Cleaning the bowl is also necessary to avoid the growth of bacteria or fungus that can harm your frogs. Pac-Man frogs also love spending time in the water dish. Surrounding it with plants is very helpful since this reduces their stress and helps them feel more secure. Place the water dish in a warmer spot of the cage or terrarium where water won’t’ get too cold. 

Development and Reproduction

One of the most important things that you need to know about these frogs is that they have an internal reproduction. This means that after mating, the female frogs will find a water source where she can lay her eggs. The female can lay about 2, 000 eggs, and in 2 weeks, they are ready to hatch into tadpoles. 

Breeding them can be quite tricky, especially for beginners. This is because Pac-Man frogs are cannibalistic. It means that there’s always that danger where the male or female may fight and eat each other. You can avoid this though by making sure that your frogs are well-fed. Before placing the male and the female in one breeding container, you have to be 100% sure first that you have to feed them. 

To enhance mating, it’s vital that you replicate the winter and springtime weather conditions. Don’t be intimidated by this process since it’s easy to accomplish. What you need to do is to place a rain chamber. Some breeders prefer a simple storage box or container that has a very shallow water bottom. Your goal is simple, mimic a heavy and springtime rain, and your frogs should be ready for mating. 


Of course, you have to ensure first that you’re able to distinguish male frogs from the females. This is the first step to breeding your Pac-Man frogs. It’s very easy to know the difference between male and female, all you have to know is that males are always smaller in size compared to females. Also, male frogs have a black pad on their front legs, just near the fingers. These pads can be found inside of their arms. Males are the ones that croak or chip. On the other hand, females are much larger compared to males. They can grow twice as big as the male frogs. Female Pac-Man can grow about 7 to 9 inches in length. And unlike male frogs, these females don’t croak or chirp. 

How to Breed 

After sexing and after providing them the right environment. This is where you need to ‘cycle’ them. This means that you have to mimic the frogs’ natural environment. As mentioned earlier, you have to replicate the winter and spring season. You need to have a thermometer for this or any temperature monitoring device. You should replicate the winter season for about 2 to 4 months and make sure that you keep the temperature around 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Shortening the length of daylight hours should be very helpful in the process. 

After maintaining a winter-like environment for at least 6 days or 2 months, you will then start mimicking the springtime season. Springtime is the ‘breeding season’ or mating time of Pac-Man frogs. This is where you start adjusting the temperature. You have to get the temperature back to normal values or slightly above. Experts suggest that you keep the temperature about 80 degrees Fahrenheit. 

Don’t forget to properly feed your frogs when breeding them. We’ve mentioned earlier that these frogs are cannibalistic and to avoid eating each other out, you have to keep them well-fed. Now that you’ve replicated the environment and have considered several pointers that were mentioned above. The next thing that you need to do is to place them together in a container or cage. Again, this should be the main chamber. Some keepers call it the full-water bottom. 

Place a water bowl in the cage and remember to keep it shallow for them to easily walk around it. While the temperature and humidity are rising, you also have to ensure that the water is also increased. Do these methods, and they should be ready to mate and breed within a day. Avoid placing high levels of water to avoid the risk of drowning. It’s recommended that you provide them a small land space. You should also add aquatic plants if possible, to mimic their natural habitat. 

Once you find your frogs in the amplexus position, then you can rest and enjoy peace of mind knowing that the breeding was successful. The female then passes her eggs though their cloaca while the male fertilized the eggs outside the body. Female Pac-Man frogs love to lay their eggs around quality plants. After laying their eggs, be sure that you then separate them and return them to their terrariums. Hatching should occur between 24 to 48 hours.

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Common Health Problems

Bacterial and Fungal infection

Just like any other frogs or amphibians, Pac-Man frogs can also acquire sickness and diseases. They can become ill, and two of the leading cause are bacterial and fungal infection of the eyes and skin. If you see swelling or pus, then most probably your frogs are suffering from an infection. 

For you to avoid this, you have to ensure that you always keep the cage clean all the time. It’s also necessary that you change their water supply. Give them clean water to drink. 

Respiratory Infection

Another common illness or sickness that can be acquired by your frogs is a respiratory infection. This happens when there is inadequate humidity inside the cage or enclosure. Signs of respiratory infection include lethargy, drooling, and wheezing. 

Parasitic Infections

These frogs are also susceptible to parasitic infections. You have to ensure that you maintain the right temperature. The cage should be warm enough to deter parasites. And if you’ve observed that your frog is acting strange and they are not eating well, then the best thing that you can do is to go to the nearest licensed vet to determine whether or not it’s a parasite infection. Checking the health of your frogs is necessary if you want them to live longer. Some keepers collect fecal samples from their frogs and let vets check it to see if there are any overgrowth of normal parasites. 

Ammonia Poisoning

Keepers should watch out for ammonia poisoning since this can fatally kill your frogs. This is why cleaning their cage regularly and changing the water from time to time is very important. Failing to properly clean the cage can lead to this serious condition. And if you think that your frog is suffering from ammonia poisoning, then don’t hesitate to call the nearest vet. Early detection is always smart. Taking care of your frogs is also like taking good care of your family. And the truth is, pet-lovers always treat their pets as part of their family. 

Chemical Intoxication

Be very careful what you place inside the cage and when cleaning it, make sure that no trace of soap or detergent found inside. This can cause chemical intoxication and can be very dangerous to the frog’s health. 

Skin Problems

Keep the cage clean and free from any sharp objects. You want to avoid abrasions and don’t want to injure them. Also, their skins are prone to bacterial and fungal infections, and so make sure that you always maintain cleanliness and hygiene. 

Nutritional Deficiencies

If you think that the hind legs of your frogs are weak, then most probably they are suffering from nutritional deficiencies. Another sign of this health problem is that they are lethargic, and their skin color appears to be lighter or darker than usual. 

Intestinal Obstruction

Intestinal obstruction happens if the frogs eat too many hard-shelled insects or swallowing gravel. As much as possible, you want to make sure that you don’t place any choking hazards inside the cage. You also have to make sure that whatever you meal you feed them, they won’t get choked with it or have an obstruction inside their intestines. 

Preventing Illness

As you notice, most of these problems arise from an unhygienic cage and improper nutrition. To prevent your frogs from acquiring the mentioned health problems, you have to ensure that their environment is safe and is free from any bacteria, fungus, sharp objects, and unnecessary items that can cause abrasion and injury. Proper feeding is also crucial to ensure that they don’t suffer from choking, intestinal obstruction, and nutritional deficiencies. 

It’s wise that you consult a licensed veterinarian if you think that your frog is sick. When choosing a vet, be sure that he or she caters to exotic pets such as Pac-Man frog. Ask the veterinarian whether or not he or she has experienced handling sick or ill frogs before. Remember that the more experience they have in diagnosing and treating Pac-Man frogs, the more chances your pet will survive. And finally, always check their reputation, as well as their background history. 


Keepers should always be mindful of their frog’s temperament or behavior. This is the key to avoiding unwanted stress that can significantly affect the pet’s health. Be very careful when handling these frogs since their skin is very sensitive. Also, take note that they can be pretty aggressive, and so don’t just put your fingers or hands in front of them. Sometimes live Pac-Man frogs appear to be dead, and this happens when there is food scarcity, or the substrate has dried out. What these frogs will do is that they will encase themselves in a tough outer skin to protect it from dehydration or drying out. They will look like they’re dead, but once you rehydrate them, they will shed their skin and eat it. And since they are aggressive eaters and can nimble on other Pac-Man frogs, it’s wise that you place a solitary frog per tank. 


A warm and humid environment is a healthy habitat for your Pac-Man frogs. In the natural world, these frogs love to hide beneath the damp leaf litter. Since they naturally live in rainforests or dense forests, you must replicate the same environmental settings. These frogs also love burying themselves during the dry season. They will wait for the rain to wet the place again and wait for their next pray. 

Pac-Man frog habitat is quite easy to setup. They don’t require large cages or terrarium since they are not active frogs. You can just install a 10-gallon tank, and these frogs should be happy and satisfied. Don’t put other frogs on their cage since there’s a high probability that they will eat their mates. Expert breeders also recommend placing a cage top to maintain humidity and temperature. Also, these frogs do not love escaping from their cages, so you won’t have to worry about it. 

Cage or Terrarium

The cage, tank, or terrarium should have rocks, leaf litter, or moss inside. You can also include papers and some other plants. Organic or synthetic plants should do. What’s important is that you give these frogs a place to hide or burrow. It’s also essential that you mist the substrate daily. This keeps the tank humid for over 50 percent. The temperature should be kept around 82 degrees during the day. Don’t worry about temperature changes during the night time – a drop around 78 degrees is still healthy for your frogs. 

Heat and Light

When providing heat to your frogs, it’s recommended that you use an under tank heater. You want to avoid using incandescent bulbs since this can lead to drying of the habitat. However, some keepers using the red incandescent bulb to supplement heat during colder seasons. The light should be more subdued, and regular room ambient light should suffice. Provide your frogs 12 hour light and 12-hour dark cycles. They are nocturnal creatures, so they don’t need sunlight. However, they require a light cycle that mimics day and night inside their cage. Allow natural light 12 hours a day and switch, switch to nigh-specific bulbs. Avoid disturbing them during night time. 

Habitat Maintenance

Cleaning the tank at least once a weak is recommended. Be sure that you wash your hands before and after handling your frogs. Oils found on human skin can be toxic for them and can lead to infections and abrasions. It’s also essential that you wash your hands after using soap since some frogs carry salmonella. Remember to remove the substrate from their cage and clean the tank using hot water. You should also make sure that you rinse off the plants. When cleaning the tank, you shouldn’t use soap or detergent since this can cause chemical intoxication. Always clean the substrate before you replace it, or you can also use new substances. 

Ensure proper habitat damp at all times, but make sure as well that it’s not wet. Always check whether the substrate has become dry or too wet. If your frogs seem to look like they’re dead, then most probably your substrate is dry. This is the best time for you to rehydrate them. When dehydration occurs, their outer skin gets dry and tough. Pac-Man frogs do this to conserve moisture inside their bodies. The frogs become motionless. Therefore, rehydration is critical to maintaining a healthy habitat for your dear frogs. 

How to Care for a Pac-Man Frogs?

While it’s true that your Pac-Man frogs are quite easy and less stressful to care for, you need to always consider the fact that they have very sensitive skin. This means that you have to handle them with care. As much as possible, you handle them as little or as less frequently as possible. Use gloves when touching them or wash your hands thoroughly before and after to pick them. Cleaning their cage requires you to transfer them, thus, it’s necessary that you carefully pick them up. Remember to wash your hands. 

If your Pac-Man frog has just arrived and he or she is introduced to a new setting, it’s recommended that the new keeper doesn’t handle them within the first few weeks. The rationale behind this is that it helps the frog easily adjust or acclimatized to their new home or tank. Always keep their tank clean, and you should not worry about potential health problems. Provide them a new dish of water to sit on every few days and don’t forget to feed them. Change the substrate and rinse out the tank at least every other week or once a month. Follow these care guides and your frog will have an incredibly high chance of living a healthy and happy life between 5 to 15 years. 

Availability – Where to Get One?

Owning a Pac-Man frog is very easy, and you can find them almost anywhere. You can get these vibrant frogs online, or you can visit your local pet stores. 

FAQ Section

Are Pac-Man frogs friendly?

They are aggressive and pugnacious frogs, and they will bite if they feel like they are threatened. Even if you do daily socialization with them, it’s their nature not to become overly friendly. You bother them too much, and they’ll bite you. 

Are Pac-Man frogs Poisonous?

Currently, there are no findings of Pac-Man or horned frogs that are considered as poisonous or venomous. 

Can you hold Pac-Man frogs?

Yes, you can. But you have to wash your hands before and after. Also, you have to watch out for their bite. You should only handle them if it’s truly necessary since their skins are so sensitive. 

Can Pac-Man frogs swim?

They don’t swim and can drown in deep waters. Therefore, make sure that you only provide a shallow bowl of dechlorinated water to a depth that’s is leveled as with the substrate. 

How fast do these frogs grow?

With a diet that is rich in protein, they should be able to reach their full adult size within a year or so. It’s recommended that you feed them with worms and crickets. You can also feed them with pink mice, but you have to do this every other week to avoid dependence.  

How often do they poop?

Adult Pac-Man frogs can poo every week or every 2 weeks. Their droppings look the same as rat droppings. They can accumulate very quickly if you feed them continuously. You’ll notice that these new droppings usually appear in the same area. 

Do Pac-Man frogs change color?

Yes, they change colors to adapt to their surroundings, and the color of their skin also depends on their mood. 

Do Pac-Man frogs make noise?

These frogs make noise and produce territorial calls. They start soft and then gradually gets louder. But once their noise peak at a certain level, the frog will stop. Also, there are instances when the frog gets very familiar with the owner and makes a response to the owner or keeper’s voice. 

Do Pac-Man frogs jump?

Yes, they can jump, and the distance depends on their size. These frogs can easily jump twice or thrice their size. Froglets or juvenile frogs can jump even high and so make sure that you have a lid or cover top. 

Do Pac-Man frogs require special lighting?

Specialized lighting for Pac-Man frogs is not necessary. Ambient light is enough. 

Will they eat dead crickets?

Yes, there are Pac-Man frogs that do eat dead crickets. 

What are the characteristics of a healthy Pac-Man frog?

Healthy frogs have clear eyes, and there should be no limping. They have strong legs, and their snouts should be perfectly round. See to it that they are not bloated. Watch out for belly lumps, weakness or lethargy, bloatedness, refusal to eat or loss in appetite, and red dots which is a sign of fungal infection. 

How do you properly handle these frogs?

Don’t handle them by the mouth. You shouldn’t grab them. 

What’s the ideal age for breeding Pac-Man frogs?

They should be ready to breed when they reach 2 years old. The weather and habitat are critical when preparing these frogs to mate or breed. 

Can Pac-Man frogs show affection like other traditional pets?

No. They just want to wait and eat. Their brain function is programmed not to love but to survive, reproduce, and adapt. 

How often do they poop?

Adult Pac-Man frogs can poop every week or every 2 weeks. Their droppings look the same as rat droppings. They can accumulate very quickly if you feed them continuously. You’ll notice that these new droppings usually appear in the same area. 

Do Pac-Man frogs change color?

Yes, they change colors in order to adapt to their surroundings, and the color of their skin also depends on their mood. 

Do Pac-Man frogs make noise?

These frogs make noise and produce territorial calls. They start soft and then gradually gets louder. But once their noise peak at a certain level, the frog will stop. Also, there are instances when the frog gets very familiar with the owner and makes a response to the owner or keeper’s voice. 

Do Pac-Man frogs jump?

Yes, they can jump, and the distance depends on their size. These frogs can easily jump twice or thrice their size. Froglets or juvenile frogs can jump even high and so make sure that you have a lid or cover top. 

Do Pac-Man frogs require special lighting?

Specialized lighting for Pac-Man frogs is not necessary. Ambient light is enough. 

Will they eat dead crickets?

Yes, there are Pac-Man frogs that do eat dead crickets. 

What are the characteristics of a healthy Pac-Man frog?

Healthy frogs have clear eyes, and there should be no limping. They have strong legs, and their snouts should be perfectly round. See to it that they are not bloated. Watch out for belly lumps, weakness or lethargy, bloatedness, refusal to eat or loss in appetite, and red dots which is a sign of fungal infection. 

How do you properly handle these frogs?

Don’t handle them by the mouth. It’s advisable that you don’t grab them. 

What’s the ideal age for breeding Pac-Man frogs?

They should be ready to breed when they reach 2 years old. The weather and habitat are critical when preparing these frogs to mate or breed. 

Can Pac-Man frogs show affection like other traditional pets?

No. They just want to wait and eat. Their brain function is programmed not to love but to survive, reproduce, and adapt. 

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