Scientific Facts
Common Name | Mountain Horned Dragon |
Scientific Name | Acanthosaura Capra |
Size | 10″ to 12″ head to tail (females smaller) |
Life span | 5 to 8 years |
Habitat | Very arboreal, preferring the higher parts of forest trees |
Country of Origin | S. China – Sumatra |
Mountain Horned Dragon is a genus of lizards generally famous as pricklenape agamas or Acanthosaura. They are fairly sized sultry lizards belonging to the family Agamidae. Solely several species are quickly discovered in the U.S pet business.
The species of lizards are abounding of personality and can undoubtedly be trained down with a few endurance and circumstances. These gorgeous lizard species obtain a remarkably great species for the amateur and further the more sophisticated owner.
Appearance and Size
The mountain horned dragons have a series of rear spikes that move down the rear of their collars. They are arborous reptiles observed in Southeast Asia. They are average-sized varying from 19-38 centimeters in diameter, hinging on the individual and species. They usually possess a neutral environment shade with red and orange signings; others manage to transpire more golden. Each creature alters in the shade. They possess huge orange/red optics, comprehensive prominent thorns near on the neck (rear of the collar) with more petite vertebrae moving along their posterior towards the end.
Geographical Range
These species summon from the dark tropical woods of Cambodia, Northern Malaysian Peninsula, SOuthern Vietnam, Thailand, and Burma, where high moisture balance rules. Mountain horned lizards require high moisture for endurance, so it’s no astonishment why they are perceived in the profound tropical woods.
Mountain Horned Dragons have an expanded field all over greatly of the Malay Peninsula, Southeast Asia, and several Sanctuaries adjacent to these nations. They consume most of the period in the stuffy canopies of forests, anticipating for bugs to loot on. They likewise need UVB beams and a misting method or seldom hand drizzling throughout the day. They originally encountered in wet regions of their territory.
Common Behavior
Mountain Horned Dragons are fascinating creatures that endure being touched moderately fit. Keepers have great expectations for the confine-bred being extremely gentle because the nature-seized dragons are so efficiently managed. At prime, execute the concourses brief and courteous. Don’t tense your creature. If it grows giddy and attempts to bounce and move away from you, place it back in its chamber and attempt again some other time.
These lizards are somewhat dormant and gentle reptiles. It is not uncommon to spot them dangling out on a twig with every four limbs draping weak! The venture is notable greatly restricted to dating, dining, excreting, and attending the water. Originally, the fresh dragon can be supposed to consume most of its course relaxing and will apparently move and burrow when you advance, except once this lizard is accommodated, it must demonstrate to be a humble reptile that is comfortable to touch.
Males appear to be more manageable than females. Juvenile dragons manage to transpire a little more fickle and competitive than more grown creatures but tranquilize down with constant approach. Females will likewise be more proactive when pregnant, frequently seething, thrusting with her rear limbs, lashing her end, and rocking her crest to knock at you.
Mountain Horned Dragons are woodland inhabitants and will desire to obtain elevated areas to rest. Don’t be shocked when your pet moves to the crown of your scalp. Once they are employed to being managed, they will rest on your ridge for lengthy points without running. Frequently when it’s the course to set the dragon back in its chamber, the creature will move up your limb alternatively of running back toward the chamber.
Several owners notice that their pet doesn’t desire to travel back since it aspires to be friendly. In the certainty that the dragon is seeking to obtain the highest pole, which is commonly you regard that section in the chamber! If you lay your palm with the dragon beneath a twig, the dragon will grip the twig and move up it rather of your arm. If this doesn’t serve, place the posterior of the species on a twig and drop your fingers. Generally, it will clasp the branch.
Diet Habits
These species are insectivorous, eating a solely real meal. Familiar meals in confinement incorporate grasshoppers, wax worms, cockroaches, moths, mealworms, silkworms, earthworms, and crickets. They need a diversity of nutrition and will frequently reject food when given in unnecessary repetition.
Serving style is a rest-and-remain technique. They will sit 3.3 to 6.6 feet off the terrain continuously; they locate their victim, which is frequently below the area. A presentation of maneuvers is not surprising from Acanthosaura species when tracking meals. They will consume and trace seafood, though most will not immerse their cranial to grab a portion of food.
Reproduction and Life Cycle
Females of the genus Acanthosaura yield their initial lumps of eggs nearly four months following coupling. They may generate up to four lumps entirety per cycle, divided by 4 – 8 weeks. The struggles of the pen and separate reproduction have raised the figure of privately delivered mountain horned dragons possible.
How to Breed
Males grow devoted someday during July. If he is beside the females at this event, you will notice the coupling action. Both the male and female will exhibit spreading their thick receptacle, elevating themselves with the male bouncing his crest and ridges up and down while seething. The male will pursue the female encompassing the chamber until she acquires him. Similar to most separate reptiles, there is a few snapping included, and it is not surprising for the female to drop spikes or cranial layers. If the male displays excessively intrusive, it is best to depart them.
No particular terming or separate arrangement is required to promote mating. As long as you give the precise wellness attention and conditions and are certain you hold a male and a female that are biologically developed, reproduction must transpire. Mountain Horned Dragons are reproductively developed at 18 months of duration, nearly 10 centimeters nose to aperture range. It is not unusual for these creatures to be shipped pregnant, so it is vital to make certain your pet is receiving sufficient calcium from the start. Don’t be taken naive, assuming you hold youngsters.
A creature with a 10 – 12 centimeters nozzle to discharge range is reproductively developed. You obtain a youngster that starts to seem swelled while you furthermore have her in isolation. Get her to a doctor for analysis for bacteriae. She will undergo a feces scan, and you will discern that the female possesses tapeworms. The specialist will believe that the aforementioned is the reason she is swollen. Commence medication with Panacur. A week following, discern that she is no longer swollen seeming, and rather, she resembled bumpy. Cells are apparent when you caressed her, so immediately place some substrate in the container. Merely a couple of days following, she will deposit a few lovely eggs.
Egg Laying
Mountain Horned Dragons are rather reserved, so odds are you won’t recognize if they perform match until the female seems becoming fleshy and then bumpy, though, exhibiting and head bouncing is valid evidence of courting! If you understand everything you are taking, these dragons are equitably simple to glance to verify for eggs.
The initial lump of eggs will be deposited 6 weeks of subsequent coupling. The following lumps may be deposited 8 to 2 weeks after the initial lump. The second reproducing period juvenile female who was acquired pregnant created two lumps. The male must be transferred after certain they had paired to restrict excessive-breeding. Considering they have provided various bearing lumps from solely one mating, reasonably assured that they maintain sperm.
When the female is near to her scheduled call, she will most probably cease consumption and merely rested throughout until it is the chance to recognize her den. Considerably often, the female will rest and immerse in the water for some times before starting to excavate her lair. Make certain you have given humid bedding that the female can quickly drill her cradle. If the underlayer is profound adequately, she will excavate a crater 10-12 centimeters low. If the underlayer is not that thick, she will excavate a mine.
Frequently, they will deposit the cells beneath or upon a stone, pot, or the side of the water container. Excavating can use a few days, or up to 7 days, hinging on the female. Once she has emptied the drop to her pleasure, she will retreat in and coat the cells in the pocket. Then she will supply the cradle back in a coat at a rate filling it by slamming her cranial toward the dirt. A juvenile female depositing her initial lump will commonly merely provide 9 or 10 eggs.
Once the female has abandoned the dwelling place, delicately transfer the eggs without converting them over. Set the eggs in humid vermiculite in deli containers or Rubbermaid model lunch packages.
Do not alter the cells as you would for raptors; they should remain the identical surface current until they produce. Store moist vermiculite in a lunch bag or deli cup with punctures in the roof or surfaces for oxygen. The vermiculite must be dank though not mushy. If you can press the water out, it is oversaturated. If you hold a balance that measures in grams, the most reliable method to combine the vermiculite is similar masses of vermiculite and liquid. You require merely adequate vermiculite to hold the eggs away from the rump of the case and to seal them half-buried. Create sections for the eggs and set them in the vermiculite. Freely install the roof above the case. Don’t fasten yours on because it is too lenient to overpower the cells attempting to move it off!
Have your packages of cells in a stuffing crate that you acquired from a pet store. It’s one that was applied for exporting sultry seafood in. You must be capable of managing a little stuffing icebox if you solely have one or two lumps. Set a container of water in the crate with the case of cells to have it a slight stuffy. Set the cultivation crate in a point where the heat will remain in the fancied scale and where the case will be uninterrupted. Obtain an inside and outside automatic thermostat that registers the least and optimal heat. It has a slim fiber with a conductor on edge and install the conductor in the egg crate and then monitor the heat without unlocking the crate.
You must unlock the crate and raise the cover of every egg box to receive a clean air replacement and to review for rotten or busted eggs. If the eggs are not fruitful, they will sink, display oozy, and become dull. If they are prolific, in approximately 12 weeks, you must be ready to notice the growing juniors in the cells when lightened. You can lighten the eggs with a bright lantern spotlight. It is remarkable! Presently before the eggs peek, they will start to perspire and contract. it is necessary to strictly observe at this event, as the toddler will require loads of oxygen while preparing. Do not neglect the current offsprings in the cultivation crate as it could smother.
Caring for Hatchlings
Incubation can get everywhere from 140 to 190 days hinging on cultivation heats. The current offspring will be 6.3 to 8.9 centimeters large and measure only 0.03 – 0.07 lbs. Once the junior has arisen from the egg, relocate it to a high hygienic case, including something to surmount on and apply humid paper napkins as an underlayer.
Once the yellow pouch is consumed, the infants can be transferred to a container that is fixed up similar to that of the grown-ups. Utilize a ten or twenty-gallon terrarium with approximately an inch of tattered coconut strip substrates densely settled with salon fingers and other elevated shrubs for the youngest to escalate on. Merely as including the grown-ups, you must likewise give a few tiny perpendicular parts of the twig for them to escalate on. Experts suggest drizzling the toddlers to boost absorbing. They will generally take their prime sip from droplets of water on the surface of the terrarium, a twig, or a leaflet.
Once they are engaged in water, it is much simpler to have them sipping, apply for a little shoal plate with a rugged facade for their water so they can quickly surmount in and out. A trickier fixed up across the water plate will produce flow and entice them to the water. In no event, the juniors are splattering and sipping in the bowl.
Care Sheet

There are several decent terrariums for Mountain Horned lizards. , features to examine are room elevation and the capacity of the chamber to sustain sufficient temperature and moisture inside.
All-glass vivariums with gliding cover roofs serve well, as much as the frontal aperture vivariums made by Exo Terra and Zoo Med may signify excellently. The exterior entrance serves to lessen the burden of the residents while producing serving and sustenance less complicated. Plotted synthetic chamber with sliding glass covers is utterly the most reliable at retaining temperature and moisture at maximum levels.
Despite not productive, the measurement must still be a concern when choosing a Mountain Horned lizard chamber. A single grown-up must be given an area similar to that of a conventional 20-gallon high vivarium, or anterior cover chamber holding 45x45x45 cms. If various pets are to be accommodated mutually, the vivarium area must be expanded.
Caution must be used to circumvent accommodating several adult males collectively. They can grow possessive over an interval, which can direct to anxiety, loss of craving, and unusual bodily disputes. Male-female couples are public, as are trained-type colonies comprising of one male and various females.
Huge portions of heartwood, Mopani timber, and creepers must shape up the majority of the surmounting arrangements inside the vivarium. These most exactly simulate the native environment of these reptiles. Furthermore, an abundance of both real and artificial shrubs must be incorporated, forming a thick, “cover” the sense in the chamber.
The underlayer applied must be one that both supports moisture and represses the maturity of mildew and rot. Coconut shuck substrates and cypress mulch are the most suitable for this nature of administration. Both commodities are accessible in a type of mode and rated measurements, and both are great for keeping the high balance of moisture needed by these creatures.
Heating & Lighting
Associated with different sultry reptiles, Mountain Horned lizards appear to be less understanding of intense weather. Since they are exposed at high altitudes, and frequently adjacent forms of water, they may solely be entirely accustomed to more relaxed, more stuffy atmospheres.
Atmospheric wind conditions inside the Mountain Horned lizard vivarium must be within 24 and 29 degrees, with 27 degrees implying an excellent condition. Below container heat mats, ultraviolet lights, and porcelain heat dischargers are all wonderful options for keeping a content environment heat for these creatures.
A lounging tube or lamp must be placed across a division of the chamber to create a relaxing point of nearly 32 degrees. This must be the perfect most heated section of the chamber, and must not be permitted to surmount much over that heat. A range of manual or automatic thermostats inside the chambers will show a priceless means when managing this, or several species of the reptiles.
A modest decrease in heat in the evening is adequate and is quickly accomplished by closing off the lounging light while neglecting all other radiators steady. Heats dropping toward the low 20’s or high 15’s must be deemed a least night-loving heat.
In enhancement to being held mild, this species further need all-inclusive brightness if presumed to grow long-term. All-inclusive brightness, particularly illumination in the UVB perception, is generated generally through the sun. As lizard owners, you should depend on specifically intended tubes to simulate the daylight. Linear fluorescent tubes, as great as compact fluorescent bulbs, operate adequately in this space. UVB lamps must be on during the identical interval as each light-emitting retreating tubes. Nearly a half-day of sunlight is suggested for these reptiles year-round.
Water & Humidity
Decent hydration is supreme to the flourishing sustenance of your pet. Similar to several different arboreal reptiles, these dragons favor to absorb water straight from the stalks and other vegetation, fairly than attempting a puddle of stagnant water. That stated, a huge liquid vessel must be given for drenching, and likewise for creating appended moisture inside the chamber.
In enhancement to a liquid bowl, mountain horned lizard vivarium must be drizzled massively 2-3 times every day to guarantee a huge balance of moisture of 60-80% as fresh as adequate absorbing water. Computerized drizzling arrangements, rapids, and foggers all operate well if strenuously sprinkling each chamber grows too tiresome or arduous. These temporary means of producing precipitation can be further effective if you reside in an extremely warm or arid environment.
They are not complicated to fill in confinement. They willingly acquire all practice of economically bred roaches, super worms, mealworms, and crickets. Like authentic chameleons, these creatures hold been famous for displaying “annoyed” when given a recurrent menu.
To evade this problem, present these dragons with the broadest category of meals reasonable. In enhancement to bug loot, several Mountain Horned lizards will savor a few earthworms, the particular fresh pinky rodent, or even goldfish and minnows.
Every menu part must be “belly-packed,” which is served a deeply healthful menu before being given as meals themselves. This optimizes the dietary content of every meal part, which supports to balance the comparatively insufficient nutrition produced accessible to most vivarium reptiles.
In enhancement to diversity and belly-packing, every meal part submitted to Mountain Horned lizards must be delicately scattered with suitable vitamin and calcium complement. High-caliber calcium particles with combined vitamin D3 must be employed at all serving for junior and evolving reptiles, or those assumed of bearing embryos. This will guarantee decent bone completion and anatomical robustness.
In supplement to calcium, a lizard vitamin tablet must be employed as well, nearly once every 7days for creatures of all generations. These merchandises warrant that the creatures are getting each of the essential lipid and water-soluble minerals they would frequently meet in their natural loot.
If doing a typical structure with the application of isopods, springtails, and red wigglers, washup will be insignificant. If not practiced, then brushing every separate day is suggested. If utilizing a detachable water hallmark, be certain to rinse it hebdomadal. Clean water must be given in any water points every several days. (Concrete sipping water can be administered through regular drizzling.)
Potential Health Problems
Unless obtaining from a grower, most creatures are nature-seized. They virtually constantly bear a few bacteriae as certain are commonly transpiring in the native. Though, the pressure of the latest shelter may provoke them to blaze up. Getting a feces specimen to your neighborhood extrinsic vet can distinguish any existing bacteriae, and they can prescribe medication if required. If you witness creeps in the manures, reduced craving, inactivity, or density decline, bring a specimen to the doctor to guarantee these bacteriae must not blaze up repeatedly. If you are worried about your pet’s wellness, it is constantly healthy to endeavor an extrinsic doctor’s evaluation.
Venom and Bite
These species of lizards are non-toxic. Still, they can snap in the protection if they appear nervous or frightened. You need to refrain too much treatment of these dragons and be cautious while touching this creature. Don’t enable the dragons to wander openly in your residence as it will not harmless for your kids or extra favorites.
This lizard species is commonly gentle and don’t exhibit hostility. The individuals who possess this creature may hold a diverse encounter. But we will inform you that certain are usually don’t attack the people. Solely you need to be vigilant while touching this dragon.
The species create excellent pets since they hold gentle energy, but they require to be managed similarly to the offsprings to improve assurance and patience into their owner. Once they recognize and believe you, they will be glad rested on your collar for terms. You can obtain them from your nearest pet shop if it is feasible.
The huge bulk of Mountain Horned dragons are accumulated in Asia and exported to several stores all over the planet. But, A. Capra has demonstrated to be pretty productive in confinement, and individual generating attempts have doubled the figure of locally born Mountain Horned dragons accessible.
Mountain horned lizards are classified as a species of “Least Concern” on the IUCN Red List. They hold no particular rank on the US Federal List, CITES.
Fun Facts
- They frequently located in a sultry wood-dwelling lizard from Southeast Asia.
- The species need attention constantly as a favorite.
- The species employ most of the experience in lounging, stagnant.
- The dragon lizard species need more cooling, muggy territory while in custody.
- They possess an entire expansion of 10-12 inches
- The species is insectivorous, and their nutrition includes crickets, mealworms, cockroaches, etc.
- These lizards have peaceful energy and don’t snap people.
How long do Mountain horned dragons live?
In confinement, they can be expected to survive for 5-8 years.
Do mountain horned dragons bite?
Yes, they can bite in the protection if they appear awkward or intimidated.
How big do mountain dragons get?
They can possess cream-colored stomachs. Specimens can develop up to 20 cm in range, although the common measure is moderately less, with females generally getting more substantial than males
How do you breed a mountain dragon?
The Mountain Dragon can be produced by employing any couple dragons, in either form, comprising the Cool and Earth components at the breeding hollow or grandiose breeding ground.
Do horned lizards need water?
Like all lizards, horned lizards vary essentially on their surroundings to regulate their body heat – and they prefer it, Stuffy! Most horned lizards prevail in a wilderness or semi-arid ecosystems.