
Lizard Handling Tips for Beginners

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A reptile that typically has a long body and tail, movable eyelids, and a rough, scaly, or spiny skin and has four kegs. Also, a lizard is a scaly skinned reptile that is usually distinguished from snakes because of their possession of legs, external ear openings, movable eyelids.

Lizards are a group of squamate reptiles with over 6 000 species, ranging across all continents except Antarctica, and most oceanic islands. They are of a group of animals, also known as reptiles. Lizards are more close to the snake. And, some lizards, called scheltopusik, look like a snake but do not have legs. As of today, many lizards resemble the ancient reptiles of the dinosaur era, and their ancestors appeared on earth over 200 million years ago.

Tips How to Handle Lizards

Scoop It Up

If you were about to handle small lizard that is not a day gecko, you can scoop it up in your hand and hold your lizards head carefully between your forefinger and thumb. And you can scoop your lizard up, clasp it in your hand, but a grasp of its front legs between your thumb and forefinger.

Your lizard will struggle under the circumstances, but your lizard will not go anywhere without its front leg. It only amounts to a pinch if a small lizard bites you.

Use Plastic Cup

This alternative is another method you can use to get your lizard pet from the cage without any difficulties. Put a large plastic cup on the side in the cage and hiss the lizard into the cup.

Use Your Two Hands

Larger lizards, like 18 inches or larger iguana, may take your two hands. Lizards make with the claws on their hind feet, so one hand is used to pin their extended hind legs back, along with iguanas tail.

Your other hand is used to hold the iguana under its front legs, pinning these back along the side of the iguana’s body. They will wriggle much like fish, so hang on and keep holding your iguana.

Pillowcase Method

If you want to move your iguana from the other cage, you can use a pillowcase. If you have already established that it doesn’t like to be touched for any reason. Open the pillowcase and flop it over your iguanas head. If your iguana is already wanted to get away from you, it will usually move forward into the pillowcase.

Continue to pull the pillowcase over your iguana’s body, and it walks into the bag. You lift the open end of the pillowcase if the lizard is in the bag already. Gather your lizard’s neck of the pillowcase bag, and wrap some strong strings tightly about it and tie the string. Then your iguana is ready to move, with little trauma on their part.

Lizard Species for Beginners

Handling and having a lizard pet has special requirements and needs proper care to live a long healthy life.

These are the different lizard that makes good for beginners.

Bearded dragon (Coolest Pet Lizard)

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Bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps) are certainly hardy and relatively easy to care for, so they are they make a good choice for those first-timer lizard keepers. They are also omnivorous, so you will need to search their dietary needs properly before having one to your family. Bearded dragon has a fearsome appearance, but these exotic-looking lizards are generally friendly and gentle.

Bearded dragons usually found wild in Australia but are widespread worldwide because of their popularity as pets. They grow to medium size, and they are not easily injured and hurt for regular handling and making a good pet choice to show off all the best characteristics of lizards. Remember that bearded dragons will require relatively large enclosures as adults. They are something with about 6-8 square feet of space that is typically appropriate.

Here are the reasons why bearded dragons make good for beginners:

  • They are very calm and docile
  • Available in several patterns and colors
  • Captive-bred individuals to find
  • Large, but not too large
  • Very hardly lizard who tolerate keeper mistakes well

Blue Tongued Skink (A Friendly Pet Lizard)

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Bluetongue skink (Tiliqua ssp.) is the best option for beginners and those interested in handling their new pets because they are typically laid back and rarely exhibit defensive behaviors. These are the larger lizards that also reach sizes that are well suited for handling most adults are between 18 and 20 inches long although some species reach slightly larger sizes, their tongues make the people a favorite pet. Bluetongue skink is easy to handle and provided a varied diet. They love to dig and burrow; a larger, deeper tank will be necessary to provide the best possible habitat.

Here are the reasons why Blue tongue skinks make good pets for beginners:

  • Very calm and easy to handle
  • Large but not too large
  • Their broad diet makes them easy to feed
  • Captive-bred individuals are often easy to find

Leopard Gecko (A Very Cute Pet Lizard)

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Leopard Gecko is deserving for the title of “best lizard pet for beginners,” Lacking the sticky pads that can make escapes easy slower than typical geckos. Leopard geckos come in different marking patterns and colorations.

These lizards are relatively low maintenance lizards, and easily taught and controlled with its age rather than getting aggressive as they reach sexual maturity. They are easy to clean up after eating their easy dietary requirements. If you asked 100 experienced lizards for beginners, 95 of them would probably agree that Leopard gecko (Eublepharis macularius) is the best option in having a good pet.

Here are the reasons why Leopard Geckos make good for beginners:

  • Easy to feed
  • Easy to breed
  • Easy going lizard
  • No special lighting required
  • Hardly and tolerant of a fairly wide range of temperatures
  • Generally easy to calm and easy to handle
  • It’s a small lizard who require small habitats

Crested Gecko (An Easy to Feed Lizard)

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The Crested Gecko (Correlophus ciliatus) is deserving for the title of best lizard pet for beginners then this bearded dragon is the second one. Originally from New Caledonia. They only rediscovered a few decades ago. These lizards, with their spike eyebrows, are a slower gecko variety, but they can climb and will need enough of vertical space in their tanks.

Crested Gecko is low maintenance, no need for special lighting, and they will thrive at room temperature. They allow handling quite well and are a fun choice for any gecko lover and easy to see why they’ve become so popular with lizard enthusiasts.

Here are the reasons why Cresto Gecko makes good for beginners:

  • Captive-bred is the most individuals for sale.
  • They are very easy to feed; you can even give them commercially produced foods.
  • Available in a pattern and number of colors.
  • No special lighting required
  • -hey can thrive at room temperature


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These are several species of uromastyx or spiny-tailed lizards that good for beginner pets. Uromastyx lizard is native to Africa, the Middle East, and India, and they enjoy handling these lizards. They are easily feeding because of their vegetarian diets, and because they are during the day. Springtails make great beginner pets.

Here are the reasons why Uromastyx makes good for beginners:

  • They are friendly and docile
  • Relatively easy to care for fun and very entertaining
  • Vary in size coloring and tail style
  • Easy to feed


Remember that it is important to know and understand that having a reptile pet is a completely alien activity for the vast majority of people. Beginners must learn a lot before having their first lizard reptile pet. It needs discipline and knowledge, and it requires a basic understanding of subjects ranging from physics to chemistry. Choosing the right lizard that is suitable for beginners is good for a happy, healthy pet and, of course, a positive and experience owning a very first lizard pet. While these lizards are best for beginners, it is also important to know that every lizard, even they are easy species, has the right requirement and needs proper care to live a long and happy, healthy life.

Before choosing your lizard, it is better to research and study the exact needs of that species to be sure you can provide their needs in a safe, comfortable home, good veterinary care, and lastly nutritious diet. When you have already prepared for a new pet, then any of these lizards can make a great addition to your menagerie.

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