People’s choices of pets are no longer limited to dogs, cats, and birds. Today, more and more exotic animals like frogs, turtles, snakes, and lizards. You may call them herps, a special term for reptiles and amphibians.
Amphibians and reptiles are great pets for several reasons. For those who want pets who want to keep easy to care for and unique, reptiles and amphibians are no doubt a great option. Here are the top reptiles and amphibians that people have been keeping.
Water Dragon

The water dragon has a good personality and requires only the basics for its habitat. Hence, anyone will truly have fun in keeping one. An iguana can be a good option, but its tendency to be aggressive can be a problem. The water dragon is a great alternative because it’s smaller and less aggressive.
Crested Gecko
The crested gecko is extremely docile and entertaining. It has a long crest on the body and beautiful, attention-grabbing eyes. This lizard is arboreal and requires a narrow but taller terrarium, making the crested gecko a good pet for those who don’t have more space for a big enclosure. This animal eats commercial food and insects that make it more convenient to care for.
Russian Tortoise
The Russian tortoise is better than the red-eared slider as it requires less maintenance and can interact with humans. This animal can live for up to 5 decades, so keeping one is a lengthier commitment. Measuring 8 to 10 inches, this tortoise is extremely hardy that makes it an excellent option. It does not need water as it gets most of its moisture requirement from food.
Corn Snake
The corn snake is small and with a very calm nature. It enjoys climbing, so it would be happy to have twigs inside its wide and spacious enclosure. The corn snake spends most of its time burrowing and hiding. Its extreme curiosity sometimes urges the animal to escape, so its enclosure must be secure enough.
Ball Python
If a snake is your preferred pet, then consider owning a ball python. It is one of the most popular pet snakes. A ball python is small and with a timid personality, making it an ideal option for a first-time snake owner.
The ball python comes in different colors and may grow from 3 to 5 feet long. It can live for 25 to 30 years, so it will be a long-term commitment. It does not require elaborate tank requisites, making it favorable to novices. The ball python seems to be the greatest pet snake.
Bearded Dragon
The bearded dragon is easy to care for and highly sociable. Known for its admirable personality, the bearded dragon can be a perfect pet for the whole family. It is larger than a gecko but smaller than the iguana. The bearded dragon is a wonderful pet for people of all ages. This pet is an omnivore that eats both veggies and insects. It stays active during the day.
Leopard Gecko
The leopard gecko is docile and hardy. This animal is nocturnal, so you won’t see it wandering inside the enclosure during the day. The leopard gecko is easy to maintain and quiet, making it an excellent addition to the family. It also has accessible dietary and heat requirements. The leopard gecko eats only insects.
Red-Eared Slider
It is an omnivorous freshwater turtle that needs daily nutrition in the first few years of its life. The mature red-eared slider could be fed once every 2 to 3 days. The turtle eats its food in the water.
Blue Tongue Skink
This animal is easy to handle. It is a good pet reptile for children and beginners. It is friendly and with a curious nature, making it a nice animal to interact with.

Some people say chameleons are not good for beginners, but that is because of its need for a very accurate environment. Its ability to change colors makes it a unique and highly interesting pet.
Eastern Box Turtles
This turtle has a long lifespan but doesn’t have aquatic requirements like the red-eared slider. The eastern box turtle lives in different climates, making it pretty adaptable. The eastern box turtle eats both insects and plants.
African Sulcata Tortoise
It is among the world’s biggest tortoises. It is better to keep outdoors as it eats plants and doesn’t require fruits, pet tortoise foods, or animal proteins. It has a long lifespan, so make plans in advance before getting this pet.
Green Anole
The green anole is tiny and skittish but extremely active. Handling is not a good thing for this animal as it tends to be shy and nervous. You better keep it as a display instead. Its diet consists of live insects because the green anole is smaller with a faster metabolism. You will need to feed it more often.
Yellow-and-Black Dart Frog
The yellow and black dart frog, also called the yellow-banded poison dart frog, is a little tropical frog originating in Southern America. It lives in humid tropical rainforests in Venezuela and Brazil. It grows between 1 to 2.2 inches long. Females are a bit bigger than males. The yellow and black dart frog is known for its stunning coloration and activeness. In captivity, it can live for 10 to 15 years.
Pacman Frog
The Pacman frog is a large frog originating in Southern America. The males grow from 2 to 5.4 inches long while females grow from 4 to 7 inches long. This frog is bright green with brown speckles. The albino specimens, however, are bright yellow with orange speckles. The Pacman frog is a great pet because it’s not demanding.
Red-Eyed Tree Frog
The red-eyed tree frog is an arboreal amphibian that lives in the rainforests located in Columbia, Central America, and Mexico. It is a bright green frog that has blue accents on its legs and yellowish bands on the sides of its body. It also has big red eyes and narrow, vertical pupils. It grows from 1.5 to 3 inches long. In captivity, this frog may last for a maximum of 5 years.
Budgett’s Frog
Also called the Paraguay Horned Frog, this aquatic animal originated in Southern America, particularly in Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, and Paraguay. This frog is light olive green with light yellow and grey mottling. It grows from 4 to 5 inches long. Females are bigger than males. It has a flattened and rounded body and eyes that are somewhat high on its head. The Budgett’s frog is extremely intelligent but aggressive.
Pixie Frog
Also known as the African bullfrog, this pet is the biggest frog found in South Africa. It lives in open grassland and could be found in shallow pools or ponds. During the dry period, it creates burrows and spends most of its time underground. The pixie frog eats fish, mice, insects, lizards, and other frogs. It grows from 4 to 10 inches long. Males are bigger and heavier than females.
Gray Tree Frog
This frog is a tiny arboreal amphibian that can be found in the United States and southeast Canada. Its best feature is the ability to change color to some extent, based on the environment. When disturbed or threatened, the color of this frog slowly becomes darker or lighter to hide within the environment. Its color can change from black to pure white, but it is typically largely grey.
Amazon Milk Frog
The Amazon milk frog, also called the Brazilian milk frog or mission gold-eyed tree frog, is a big arboreal frog that exists in the Amazon rainforest and some areas in South America. This frog is somewhat big for arboreal species and grows up to 4 inches long. An adult Amazon milk frog is light grey with either black or brown banding. As it grows, its skin develops a little bumpy texture. In captivity, this frog can live for 5 to 10 years.
Whites Tree Frog
The whites tree frog or the Australian green tree frog is also an arboreal frog that lives in New Zealand and Australia. This species is bigger than other arboreal frogs as it can grow up to 4 inches long. Also, it has a longer lifespan as it can last for up to 15 years when raised in captivity. Its longevity and size make it a good pet for first-time reptile pet owners and children. It can also change its color based on the environment and temperature.
Xenopus Clawed Frog
This frog can be found in sub-Saharan Africa, North and South America, and Europe. It does not have teeth and tongue. Also, this frog is fully aquatic, so it is a good addition to aquatic and partially submerged enclosures. This frog is quite big and with a long lifespan.
Oriental Fire-bellied Toad
The oriental fire-bellied toad is a little semi-aquatic frog. The top of its body is bright green while the underneath is bright orange or yellow. It also has black speckles or stripes that contrast the vibrant colors, making it look more stunning. It grows at about 2 inches and may live for up to 15 years with adequate care.
Tiger Salamander
The tiger salamander is endemic to North America. It is the biggest land-dwelling salamander that measures 6 to 8 inches long. It is blotchy grey, black, or green with yellow blotches or bands on its back. It is a voracious nocturnal predator that eats insects, worms, salamanders, and frogs.
It is a weird-looking amphibian that reaches adulthood without undergoing the process of metamorphosis. It grows between 9 to 12 inches long. It is usually grey or brown.
These herps are beautiful inside and out. Their looks and admirable personalities made them highly suitable for adventurous pet owners. If you want to keep an exotic pet, then consider these herps, and you won’t regret.