Scientific Facts
Common Name | Crested Gecko |
Scientific Name | Correlophus ciliatus |
Captive Lifespan | 12 to 20 years |
Size | 6–10 inches (15–25 cm), including 4–6 inches (10–15 cm) of tail length |
Mass | 40 – 60 grams for adults |
Habitat | In an around the forest canopy |
Country of Origin | Southern New Caledonia |
Physical Description

Crested geckos are some of the largest gecko species out there. A crested gecko can reach up to 10 inches in length.
A spiny frill of skin runs over the tops of a crested gecko’s eyes, the sides of the head, as well as down the back.
In the wild, crested geckos come in a variety of skin colors. When kept in captivity, and great thanks to captive breeding practices, crested geckos can occur in an even wider range of colors than wild crested geckos, including many color shades, such as variations of yellow, brown, red, orange, and grey.
There are three color morphs in the wild, namely white-fringed, tiger, and pattern-less. One of the extraordinary color morphs achieved with captive-bred crested geckos is the harlequin pattern, which is not observed in the wild nature.
One of the distinct features of crested geckos greatly resembles eyelashes. The eyelashes-like features are actually hair-like projections located right above the eyes.
Also, crested geckos are known to have two rows of spines. The two rows run from the sides of the crested gecko’s wedge-shaped head all the way to the tail base. A crested gecko’s toes, as well as the very tip of the semi-prehensile tail, are covered in small hairs referred to as setae.
With crested geckos, the size and number of crests can range. Some crested geckos lack crests on one side of the body, while others have distinct crests extending to the tail’s base.
Baby crested geckos weigh between 1.5 – 2 grams. They are considered juveniles as soon as they hit an average weight of 16 grams, which is commonly referred to as sexable weight. Adults typically weigh about 40 – 60 grams.
Unlike other reptiles, there isn’t a simple morph calculator available for crested geckos, and that’s because crested geckos are polymorphic. The simpler the color morphs, the cheaper a crested gecko’s price, with more complex color morphs leading to higher prices, respectively.
Some of the types of crested geckos based on color morphs include but are not limited to the pattern-less crested gecko, flame crested gecko, Dalmatian spots crested gecko, tiger crested gecko, and harlequin crested gecko.
Habitat & Lifespan
The natural habitat of crested geckos is rather restricted, as it encompasses a small pocket of land on one of Australia’s islands, located off the coast. It is only in the rainforests of New Caledonia where crested geckos are found in the wild.
Being endemic species to New Caledonia’s South Province, there is a total of three distinct crested geckos’ populations in the wild, namely the ones inhabiting the Isle of Pines, as well as the surroundings, and two populations inhabiting Grande Terre’s main island.
Crested geckos can be very long-lived, even though they have not been kept into captivity for long enough as to be categorized into a definitive life span. However, it is not a secret that captive crested geckos can be kept for 12 – 20 years on an average, or more.
- Since crested geckos are arboreal, it is crucial to make sure that their terrariums are tall rather than wide.
- Providing lots of horizontal perches in a crested gecko’s terrarium is essential in order to prevent floppy tail syndrome.
- The absolute minimum for a crested gecko’s cage size is 12″ x 12″ x 18″. However, when it comes to an adult crested gecko, it is best to opt for a cage sized at least 18″x 18″ x 24″.
- Housing more than a single crested gecko in a cage is a sure indicator for future troubles (with the exception of housing crested geckos together for breeding purposes). As a general rule of thumb, one cage = one crested gecko.
- Readily-available, fully set terrariums can make a fantastic option, as they are designed to be taken out of the box and provide your crested gecko with the right conditions to thrive, including proper ventilation, a front opening door for easy access, simple locking mechanisms, and a bottom glass tray needed to hold substrate. Some readily-available terrariums also include starter kits (usually, some décor and nice background).
- For the price-conscious crested gecko owners-to-be, a modified aquarium can work great for caging.
For juvenile crested geckos, you want to utilize a 10-gallon tank. For adult crested geckos, you want to utilize a 20-gallon tank. After giving the tank a thorough cleaning, stand the tank in an upright position. Next, cover the tank with a pre-purchased screen and get down to further converting it into a terrarium.
- Making a DIY, fully equipped crested gecko cage from scratch can be an excellent choice, too. There are numerous ways in which you can set up a DIY crested gecko cage, so it all depends on your personal preferences, skills, budget, and imagination.
- Real, natural substrate, climbing branches, and live plants alike, are all fantastic ways to enrich the cage of your crested gecko.
Crested geckos are to emerge at night, searching for food, living up true to their fame of nocturnal creatures. During the daytime, a crested gecko would typically crawl into well-hidden spots for taking a nice rest, usually retreating to branches located high in the canopy.
Since crested geckos do not have the same regenerative abilities as other geckos have, hide time during the day is extremely important, as it allows them to recharge.
When young, crested geckos are to shed their skin up to once weekly. Shedding will only occur every 1 – 2 months once a crested gecko reaches maturity.
Crested geckos are not aggressive animals, and they rarely bite. Even if they do so, their bite is barely ever felt. Since they lack large teeth, your skin is not to be torn up, so you will most probably not even notice that they have bitten you.
Choosing the correct type of substrate is crucial for the overall health, well-being, and safety of crested geckos kept in captivity, with one of the biggest concerns being that of possible impaction.
Impaction can occur if a crested gecko is to consume animal matter, and is a sure sign that the animal experiences high levels of stress.
The types of substrates listed below must be avoided as they can be easily digested or passed by a crested gecko.
- Sand
- Wood chips
- Soil uncovered with moss or leaf litter
- Crushed walnut shells
Some of the important factors to keep in mind when choosing a suitable substrate include the average humidity in the keeper’s home, as well as the crested gecko’s age.
1) Coconut Husk Fiber
Coconut husk fiber can be easily passed if accidentally swallowed by a crested gecko. Therefore, it is a natural, safe option. Coconut husk fiber is resistant to mold, as well as to fungal growth. It absorbs odor very well, and can be utilized for several months before having to purchase a new one, provided it is spot cleaned at all times.
2) Paper Towel
Paper towel can be an excellent choice for hatchling crested geckos up to 1-year-old since it cannot be swallowed. However, this type of substrate is less natural-looking than, for example, coconut husk fiber, and is not the best choice for adult crest geckos.
As a rule of thumb, using paper towel for the purpose of lining the bottom of a terrarium makes it easy to swap out when cleansing, and then replaced with a new, clean paper towel for literally less than a minute. It is crucial not to leave a paper towel to hang inside the terrarium for too long, as this can result in mold due to the constant damp in the habitat.
On the other hand, paper towel does not hold humidity for very long, so you may need to humidify and/or mist the habitat more frequently than with other types of substrates.
3) Sphagnum Moss
Sphagnum moss is especially helpful for humidifying lay boxes and/or caves, which is where crested geckos can freely hydrate. Also, it can greatly help during shedding process when higher levels of humidity are beneficial.
By simply adding sphagnum moss, crested geckos keepers can turn large bamboo hides, caves, or cork rounds into humidifiers, thanks to sphagnum moss’ ability to mildly damp the surroundings.
4) Live Plants
A worthy habitat for a crested gecko is certainly one that includes live plants, greatly contributing to the excellent display of the exotic reptile, as well as to its well-being.
Having a mini-ecosystem using live plants requires some efforts, however, it is also a beautiful part of keeping a crested gecko, and adding to the gorgeous display of the terrarium.
For bioactive terrariums, the bottom must be lined with a drainage layer, and then the drainage layer should be topped with a suitable screen. Over the screen, keepers need to use soil media mix.
For the purpose of preventing the crested gecko from ingesting any of the soil mixes, live mosses and leaf litter must be placed on the top of the soil media mixture.
Temperature, Lighting & Humidity
In New Caledonia, crested geckos’ natural habitat, temperatures are consistently warm all year round, and this is exactly what you want to mimic when taking care of a captive crested gecko.
- In the background, average daytime temperatures should be best maintained between 71-79 degrees Fahrenheit (21.6-26.1 degrees Celsius). Right under the light bulb, the daytime temperatures must not exceed 83 degrees F (28.3 Celsius).
- On the warm side, the ideal temperatures for captive crested geckos are about 75 F (23.8 Celsius). On the cool side, the ideal temperatures should not fall below 68-70 F (20-21.1 Celsius).
- From early summer until late autumn, the optimal night time temperatures for crested geckos are between 69 degrees Fahrenheit (20.5 degrees Celsius). In winter, optimal night time temperatures should be kept around 63-65 F (17.2-18.3 Celsius).
- During the winter season, daytime temperatures in the shade can be maintained as low as 70-72 (21.1-22.2 degrees Celsius).
- Any ambient temperatures exceeding 80 degrees Fahrenheit (26.6 degrees Celsius) can cause serious stress and harm to your crested gecko.
- Provided temperatures are optimal for your crested gecko, additional heat bulbs should not be used.
- If room temperatures are low, keepers need to heat the room and/or the vivarium.
- If temperatures get too high in the summer, air conditioning must be utilized.
- Crested geckos are crepuscular, meaning that they become active at dawn/dusk. Because of this, they do not really have any specific lighting requirements in general. In their natural habitat, crested geckos would hide during daylight hours. In a similar sense, captive crested geckos will tend to hide in the branches, in the substrate and/or behind leaves for the purpose of taking a rest, and avoiding bright, daytime light.Unless temperatures drop, do not turn the lights on in the crested gecko’s vivarium. As long as the optimal temperatures are kept within the right range, and as long as enough natural daylight is present, lights do not need to be turned on.
- Fluorescent bulbs and/or full-spectrum lights work great for a crested gecko’s vivarium whenever the temperatures need to be increased. Full-spectrum CFLsf is also perfect for the live plants in the vivarium.
- 9. If temperatures do not drop more than 10 degrees F from the norm, 25-watt bulbs can work perfectly for smaller tanks. However, for larger tanks or in the cases when room temperatures are very low, 40-watt bulbs are highly recommended.
- Crested geckos are fully capable of seeing colors. Because of this, it is essential to avoid red or black bulbs. Provided you want to light the gecko’s vivarium at night, your best bet is to opt for a 25-watt blue moonlight lamp.
- Avoid buying mercury vapor, incandescent and/or halogen bulbs, as these tend to get hot, causing stress to your crested gecko. Basking lights are also to be avoided as they emit too much heat, too.
- Instead of using bulbs, you may also choose to use a fixture. You will need a hood fitting the specific size of the fixture. For crested gecko keepers who intend to use a fixture for live plants, 5.0 UVB fluorescent fixture can work great.
- Lighting schedule is extremely important as to be able to mimic a crested gecko’s natural environment. 14 hours of lighting vs. 10 hours of undisturbed darkness should be maintained during the late spring and summer. In the winter season, it is best to stick to 11 hours of light vs. 13 hours of darkness.
- Ever since an early age, high humidity levels are crucially important for crested geckos, as they greatly assist with both hydration and shedding. Humidity levels are important for crested geckos.
- Humidity rates should be maintained between 70% – 85%. Humidity levels can be dropped as low as 60% without causing serious harm to your crested gecko. Also, you need to allow for humidity levels to drop to about 50% for several hours during the day for the purpose of avoiding fungal and/or bacterial growth.
- The ideal humidity rates for captive crested geckos can be achieved by using a suitable soil mix, which keepers can spray with water as necessary. In the case you need to increase humidity, 1-year-old spray the plants and the soil once a day, preferably in the evening. Alternatively, you can also place a big water bowl close to the lights.
The diet of crested geckos is much more varied than that of most other gecko species. Crested geckos will usually feed on fruits and insects while foraging, as they are omnivorous.
In the wild, crested geckos are to prey upon any insect they could possibly catch, such as mosquitos, flies, and larvae, among others.
- Commercial crested gecko food is vital to a well-balanced diet, as it provides a complete range of perfectly-suited, essential nutrients.
- When keepers want to offer their crested gecko a treat, a variety of insects can be provided, such as gut-loaded crickets, wax worms, and mealworms.
- Another suitable treat to offer to your pet crested gecko is sweet baby foods, like banana, peach or apricot puree. These can be easily mixed with gecko’s diet.
- Since crested geckos are frugivore, they will love to feast on a variety of fruit that can be offered as treats, some of the suitable options being pears, bananas, peaches, mangoes, watermelon, raspberries, cantaloupe, grapes, strawberries, apples, blackberries, figs, plums, blueberries, apricot, and dates.
- A suitable crested gecko diet food should be mixed with two parts water. Then, it is best to be offered in shallow dishes, adding only as much as a gecko will eat at a feeding. Feeding should take place three times a week. You can remain the diet from 24 and up to 36 hours before finally removing it from the vivarium.
- Crickets are the best choice for establishing a healthy diet for captive crested geckos. Make sure to select a size where the total length of the cricket is to equal head width for easy swallowing. Coat crickets with a mineral/vitamin supplement containing vitamin D3 and calcium, alongside a complement of other essential minerals and vitamins.
- Crickets should be offered three times a week in the case when they make up for the primary diet of your crested gecko. If offered as a treat or supplement, they should be used only once a week.
Eating Habits
A big percent of juvenile crested geckos and adults alike can go without any food for 10 and up to 14 days. However, under normal circumstances, this is definitely not ideal.
A baby crested gecko with a weight of fewer than 5 grams needs only a few licks of food to be full.
An adult crested gecko with a weight of 40+ grams typically needs only ¼ teaspoon of food as to be full. However, from time to time, it can eat more.
Sometimes, it can be hard to tell whether a crested gecko is eating or not. The smartest way to tell if your crested gecko’s eating habits are kept in norm is to check for droppings. While you are still learning how to observe for droppings, mind that paper towel substrate makes it much easier than naturalistic types of substrates.
Another way that makes it easier to judge whether a captive crested gecko’s eating habits are well-sustained is to offer a smaller amount of food, placed in a disposable cup (less than 1 oz.) so that you can spot if the gecko has licked its food or not at all.
For crested geckos that seem to enjoy walking through their food dish frequently, it is best to make use of a small, ½ ounce feeding cup.
Sleeping Habits
Crested geckos are nocturnal creatures, meaning that in the wild, they sleep and hide throughout the day, protecting themselves from natural predators.
It is around dusk when crested geckos wake up to leave their hiding place, searching for food, as well as for mates.
As crested geckos’ bodies are rather tiny, it is often the case that keepers would fail to notice their cresties in the terrarium during the day, when they are typically hiding and sleeping.
It is crucial not to disturb a crested gecko while sleeping. For this purpose, if you happen to be at home during the day, make sure to limit noises, do not walk around the terrarium if possible, and do not turn on basking lights.
A sure way to tell whether a crested gecko is asleep or awake is to look at its crests. If the crests seem to be “standing up,” then the gecko is awake. If the crests are laid down, your gecko is asleep.
Keepers must make sure that fresh, clean water is always available for crested geckos kept in captivity. It is best to serve water in a shallow water dish.
Development and Reproduction
Interestingly, scientists still know very little about crested geckos’ breeding habits in the wild. However, when it comes to the reproduction of crested geckos kept in captivity, these whimsical creatures are known to reproduce very successfully.
The female crested gecko will lay two eggs after mating. Females can retain the sperm from mating, and in return, they are capable to keep producing eggs for almost a full year.
After being laid, eggs are to hatch after between two-three months.
Crested geckos are known to develop at their very own rates. Typically, it takes 1 – 2 years for a baby crested gecko to turn into an adult. However, this is not always the case.
Sometimes, a crested gecko hatched in certain locations may develop slower than others. In most cases, once a crestie hits 10 – 12 grams, it starts to develop rather quickly until it hits 25 grams when growth is usually slowed down.
In general, crested geckos’ sexual maturity is triggered less by age and more by overall body mass.
How to Breed
Even the novice keepers can breed crested geckos successfully, as captive cresties are known to be prolific breeders.
Once an adult female crest gecko and an adult male are put together in the same enclosure, copulation typically begins within as little as several days, if not within only a few hours.
Eggs usually hatch within 60 – 90 days after successful mating, but can sometimes hatch after 70-75 days, greatly depending on the room temperature. In the cooler winter months, it can take up to 120 days for the eggs to hatch.
- Avoid handling newly purchased crested geckos. They need to be allowed to settle in their new enclosure for 3 – 4 weeks before being handled by keepers. Just make sure to feed them regularly, and let them adjust to the new environment without causing more stress.
- The first handling session with your crested gecko should best short, and last for no longer than 5 minutes.
- Mind that baby crested geckos are quite flighty. They can be easily injured in while being handled. Because of this, keepers need to wait for baby crested geckos to reach at least 3 inches before any handling attempts are to begin.
- Crested geckos do seldom bite their keepers. Furthermore, even if they do so, there are barely any negative consequences for humans, as they simply make a quick, rather innocent, harmful nip, and let go. Regardless, handling is to be only done with care and respect for the reptile’s personal space and never forced.
- It is best not to try handling a crestie when it is asleep.
How to Treat and Prevent Possible Health Issues
- Inspect your crested gecko thoroughly and frequently for gecko mites. These are usually found on loose skin folds, under skin flaps, in the armpits, the corners of the eyes, and/or in the ear. Gecko mites tend to colored in bright red and are easy to spot. Immediate and adequate treatment should begin if mites are to attack your crested gecko pet.
- The best way to keep captive crested geckos in perfect health is to provide them professional, commercial-grade prepared powder diets, consisting of a sufficient amount of calcium and other essential nutrients. An unbalanced diet that lacks in calcium can quickly bring about metabolic bone disease issues.
- In order to avoid floppy tail syndrome, providing a crested gecko with plenty of horizontal perches is a must.
- If you notice that your crested gecko seems to have lost appetite, you may need to check on the temperature and humidity rates, and adjust them if necessary within the ideal range, as both of these factors are directly related to the gecko’s well-being, including but not limited to appetite.
- Weighing a crested gecko on a weekly basis is highly recommendable. If significant weight loss is noticed (anything more than 10%) over the course of 4 weeks, then it is best to consult with a qualified veterinarian and make the needed changes to support the reptile’s health and well-being.
- Parasites and/or infections must only be treated by a veterinarian. If you notice that your crested gecko appears lethargic, weak, fewer is showing other symptoms of possible illness, a veterinarian should be contacted immediately.
- Hideout caves, foliage and/or branches are to help a crested gecko find shelter from higher temperatures, as well as to cool down and relax. Creating a temperature gradient is a must, or else, the gecko could be easily stressed out. It can also die from higher temperatures than the recommended.
- Do NOT place a crested gecko’s vivarium right next to a window. Instead, place it away from access to direct sunlight, as cresties dislike bright light.
- Mind that crested geckos that are less than a full year of age (and/or weighing less than 10 grams), tend to be more susceptible to stress-induced by impaction.
- A healthy crested gecko is not to have any visible pelvic bones or ribs.
Possible Dangers to Humans
Crested geckos dislike being handled in general, especially if it comes to frequent handling. However, even if regularly handled, they rarely ever bite. Anyway, they can bite if they are under stress.
Crested geckos are very docile and friendly. Even if a crestie bites you, it is something that is rarely ever felt.
The crested gecko’s terrarium must follow up high hygiene standards as for keepers to avoid any possible related issues that can compromise the reptile’s, as well as the owner’s health and well-being.
Availability: How to Get a Crested Gecko?
Not that long ago, crested geckos used to be considered as some of the rarest lizards kept in captivity. Nowadays, crested geckos are successfully bred in large numbers. They have become standard in the pet industry globally and can be purchased from any reputable pet shop, expo, or breeder.
Fun Facts
- Crested geckos do not have eyelids. That’s why they make clever use of their long tongues for the purpose of moistening their eyes, as well as for the purpose of removing debris.
- If a crested gecko’s head length is less than 1.3 times its width, the gecko is referred to as “crowned.”
- It was in 1866 when the crested gecko was first officially described by Alphone Guichenot, a French zoologist.
- For a certain period of time, scientists thought that crested geckos in the wild were extinct. It was in 1994 when wild crested geckos were rediscovered during an expedition headed by Robert Seipp.
- Crested geckos arboreal, meaning that they spend most of their lives in trees rather than spending much of their time on the ground. It is a prehensile tail that keeps them from falling. Cresties’ tales can easily wrap around twigs and branches, offering reliable stability.
- Unlike other reptiles, crested geckos are quite vocal! They can make a decent amount of noise, as they will often come up with a variety of tones that remind barks and squeaks.
- Crested geckos’ oddly shaped feet and toes are a fantastic climbing adaptation. The pads of a crested gecko’s toes are known to have one-of-a-kind ridges (lamellae), successfully used to climb slick surfaces, even glass.
- The cells located around the very base of a crested gecko’s tail are rather brittle. It is brittleness that allows for the tail to break away if the crestie is to be threatened or caught by a predator. Since the capillaries to the tail close almost immediately, there is little to no blood loss involved if the tail is to be snapped away. The tail will continue to independently of the body for some good 2–5 minutes, though.
How to Take Care of a Crested Gecko
- Provide a crested gecko with an appropriately-sized habitat.
- Vertical spaces, as well as a variety of plants and branches, are crucially important as cresties adore to climb.
- The best daytime and nighttime temperature range to ensure a crested gecko’s well-being are different, and so the proper temperature range must be monitored and adjusted accordingly and as necessary.
- Humidity should be kept consistent and within the recommended rates.
- You need to provide your crestie fresh, clean water at all times.
- Crested geckos should be fed nightly.
- When you have just bought a new crestie, keeping it hydrated by simply misting the enclosure at least 2 times a day will greatly help the gecko to feel more comfortable.
- Hand feeding should be only reserved for occasions when you have firmly noticed that your gecko hasn’t been eating for at least 2 weeks.
FAQ Section
Do Crested Geckos Bite their Owners?
Crested geckos do rarely bite, and typically only do so if stressed. However, their bites are not of much consequence, and keepers may even fail to realize they have been bitten.
Does a Crested Gecko Enjoy Being Handled?
Crested geckos are known as some of the most docile reptiles in the world, and they enjoy human companionship, handling included. Typically, they do not enjoy being handled at first. However, if the keeper is to handle a crestie for 10 to 30 minutes on a daily basis, these amazing creatures are capable of establishing a deep bond with their owner forever.
Does a Crested Gecko Smell?
Crested geckos, like most reptiles, do not smell. However, occasionally, odorous poop may be induced by live feeding.
Will my Crested Gecko Get Lonely?
Female crested geckos tend to be more social than males, although this is not a norm set in stone. In general, all crested geckos are solitary creatures enjoying being housed alone, and they typically do not experience any negative sense of loneliness.
Will a Crested Gecko Need a Lot of Attention?
Most crested geckos are rather laid back, and non-aggressive, and they are quite easy to “tame.” In general, crested geckos do not need a lot of attention, and they can go just fine with weekly handling limited to cleaning services.
Can Crested Geckos Hear and Enjoy Music?
Crested geckos canhear but that doesn’t really mean they enjoy music. Vibrations with a lot of basses and loud music, in general, are not very well-tolerated by cresties. Some keepers turn on low, relaxing jungle sounds that mimic the gentle sounds of cresties’ natural habitat.
Will a Crested Gecko Pet Need Friends?
Crested geckos are solitary creatures, they do not need friends, and are best to be housed alone. The only time when cresties tend to enjoy the company of another crestie is when a keeper is to pair females and males for breeding purposes.
How Often Does a Crested Gecko Poop?
How often a crested gecko is to poop is directly related to feeding. No eating will result in no poop. Hatchlings typically poop 4 – 6 days a week based on their feeding schedule, while juveniles do so 3-4 times weekly, vs. adults pooping about 2 – 3 times a week.
Can I Leave my Crested Gecko Alone?
Most crested geckos can survive without any human intervention for 1 – 2 days. With this in mind, crested geckos’ owners could potentially leave their pets alone when traveling away for the weekend, for example. However, because of possible power shortage or other emergency issues that can affect the cresties’ environment, it is best to have someone available to check on the reptiles daily.
Do Crested Geckos Needs Supplemental Lighting?
As a rule of thumb, crested geckos thrive at room temperature and dislike bright lights. For most of the time, no special heaters or supplemental lighting are needed. However, during the cooler winter months, as well as for vivariums enriched with live plants, lights, bulbs, and fixtures must be provided accordingly.
Do I Need to Bathe my Crested Gecko?
Keepers should only bathe a crested gecko in case the pet is having difficulties shedding skin, or in the case a qualified veterinarian instructs the owners to bathe the crestie. If the crested gecko is noticeably dirty, it is good to wash it very carefully and gently, without any harsh, synthetic chemicals applied. Mind that over-bathing can easily cause skin disease because of drying out the skin.
Will a Crested Gecko’s Tail Grow Back?
No, crested geckos cannot re-grow their tails in the case of loss. Unlike other gecko species that are known to regenerate their lost tales, this is not the case with crested geckos. However, losing a tail is not an issue for the health and well-being of a crestie.
Is Crested Gecko a Social Animal?
No, crested geckos are not social animals. It is important for crested geckos’ owners to understand the solitary nature of these amazing creatures, and to respect their solitude.
Are Crested Geckos Good Pets for Children?
Since crested geckos are very docile creatures in general, they can make great pets for children. However, it is crucial that the parents educate their children on how to approach a crestie, as well as the importance of respecting the reptile’s solitary character and unique needs. It might be the case that crested geckos are more children-friendly than children are crested gecko-friendly.
How Can I Know if my Crested Gecko is Eating or Not?
It tends to be difficult for the novice keepers to tell whether a crested gecko is eating or not, as cresties do not really eat much in general, and especially small ones. The easiest way to tell that a crested gecko is eating is to check for poo.
How Often Do Crested Geckos Shed their Skin?
When they are actively growing, baby crested geckos are to shed their skin once every other week, although it is often the case that keepers may fail to notice the shedding at all. Adult crested geckos can typically go for over a month without shedding.
Can Crested Geckos Swim?
Yes, crested geckos can swim. However, they will only do so they are forced to. Since cresties are arboreal species, they are not physically well-prepared for swimming, and swimming is not their natural behavior.
What Are the Possible Reasons for a Crested Gecko’s Death?
Keeping humidity higher than needed can lead to bacterial skin infections on the skin, and if not treated in a timely manner, such otherwise easy-to-treat infections can lead to a crested gecko’s death. Parasites are also a possible reason for a crested gecko’s death, and especially Entamoeba, which leads to lethargy, dramatic loss, and in many cases, death.
Can a Crested Gecko Carry Salmonella?
Crested geckos, just like other reptiles, can carry Salmonella bacteria, even if they appear clean, healthy, and with no signs of illness. Regular check-ups by a qualified veterinarian will limit any unwanted issues related to possible human Salmonella infections sourced through reptiles.
Do Crested Geckos Feel Love?
No, crested geckos do not feel love, at least not in the same sense as we, human beings, do. That’s because crested geckos, similarly to other reptiles, lack the part of the brain related to emotional attachment and the regulation of feelings/emotions. From a spiritual perspective, though, crested geckos may be capable of experiencing love, although not in the typical sense mankind is used to refer to what love is.
Do Crested Geckos Show Affection to their Owners?
Even though crested geckos cannot love their owners, they are fully capable of becoming fond of their keepers. Crested geckos can recognize their owners, even though they are not to run towards them as a dog will. Also, cresties enjoy interacting with their keepers when provided with proper attitude and training on owners’ behalf.
Do Crested Geckos Change Color?
Yes, depending on mood and environment crested geckos can change colors. For instance, fired up colors tend to become magnified in varying, bright shades of red, yellow, and orange, while dark-based geckos can potentially change color in deeper black/brown hues. Fired down colors are typically paler.
What to Do if a Crested Gecko is Chirping?
If a crested gecko is to make a chirping sound, this is most commonly a message that your pet is feeling unhappy or uncomfortable, meaning that something in the reptile’s habitat should be changed. Female crested geckos may bark when they want for the male crested geckos to leave them alone. Crested geckos sharing the same tank during breeding attempts and/or as babies are also highly likely to communicate at night.