Scientific Facts
Common Name: | Collared Lizard |
Scientific Name: | Crotaphytus bicinctores |
Life Span: | 5 to 8 Years |
Size: | 10 to 16 inches |
Habitat: | grassy meadows and hillsides to rocky deserts |
Country of Origin: | Northern America |
What is a Collared Lizard?

Collared lizard, any of nine species of lizards relating to the lizard subfamily Crotaphytinae. The collared lizard is the state reptile of Oklahoma, where it is popular as the mountain boomer.
The term “collared lizard” gets from the lizard’s distinguished complexion, which incorporates strips of black around the neckline and shoulders that resemble like a collar. It is an affiliate of the collared lizard species.
The definition of the name is a reference to the unique banded necklines that are generally observed in this species. ‘Krotaphos’ denotes the side of the cranial, whereas ‘phyton’ solely signifies creature. The second section of the name originates from the Latin word ‘collaris,’ which merely implies collar. Thoroughly explained, the designation would spell “creature with a collar on the side of its head.”
Species of Collared Lizard
The 9 species of the Collared Lizard are moderate-sized, possessive hunters that dwell in barren regions. In form and condition, they likely relate to the most primitive squamates.
Venerable Collared Lizard
The species is local to northern Mexico.
Great Basin Collared Lizard
The Great Basin collared lizard, also known generally as the desert collared lizard or the Mojave black-collared lizard, is a variety of lizard in the family Crotaphytidae. The species is native to the Great Basin and the North American Southwest. It is somewhat comparable to the common collared lizard, Crotaphytus collaris, in form and measurement, but it desires the strong flamboyant colors. Males can occur in brown to orange and any red or pink on the abdomen. Females are more black or deep brown near the claws, and the end is more trilateral in form than spherical.
Common Collared Lizard
The common collared is a North American lizard that can stretch 8–15 in diameter (including the tail), with an immense head and mighty muzzles.
Crotaphytus Dickersonae
This creature is famous from the seaside cliffs of Sonora (northwest Mexico) beside the east shoreline of the Gulf of California.
Grimser’s Collared Lizard
Grimser’s collared lizard (Crotaphytus grismeri) is a species of lizard in the genus Crotaphytus. They have bright colours covering themselves as a type of camouflage. The species is endemic to Baja California, Mexico.
Sonoran Collared Lizard
The Sonoran collared lizard is a species of lizard in the family Crotaphytidae. The species is local to the Mexican state of Sonora and the U.S. state of Arizona.
Crotaphytus Reticulatus
They are usually named the reticulate collared lizard, is a species of modestly sized lizard in the family Crotaphytidae. Crotaphytus reticulatus is a natural to a brown lizard with laceworks embracing most of its vertebrae, legs, and tail. Some of these reticulations are loaded with a black coloration.
Baja California Collared Lizard
The Baja California collared lizard is a huge-bodied species of lizard with a wide head, small nozzle, coarse-grained scales, and two sharp black collar showings. The collar signings are distributed at the posterior midline by more than 12 spectral scales.
Appearance & Size
The back legs and tail are moderately long, the tail is circular in cross-section, and the head is equivalently large and angular in the dorsal aspect. The neck is patently slender, and angular fold is present. The dorsal scales are granular; the ventral scales are somewhat larger.
Males grow to a lightly more massive size, and their heads are wider and more densely muscled than the females. Also, males usually have slightly exaggerated postanal shells. There is commonly black on the filling of the jaws and neck. On the neck are two obscure collars, neither of which is perfect anteriorly The anterior collar is sketchy along the mid-dorsal length, and the dorsal coloring is seldom unfinished. No subspecies are presently identified.
Color motifs differ by generation, sex, and breeding state. The dorsal arrangement of the grown-up male is extremely changeable; the setting shade maybe turquoise, olive, green, yellow, tan or brown, d coated with blemishes and vague lining.
Yellow is often visible on the cranium and back leg during the mating season. The complexion on the backbone of the mature female is softened connected to the male, but brilliant orange and or red pigmentation form on the sides and collar when lizards are pregnant. These shades whiten after egg displacement.
Youngs manages to be more streaked than grown-ups, and juvenile males produce orange or red pigmentation, comparable to grown-up females. Juvenile females are monotonously contrasted to other age ranges and males.
The eastern collared lizard has a supreme dimension of 15 inches. In tradition, most of them seem not to grow quite this large. 10 to 12 inches is a much more practical number for males, while females will be around in the neighborhood of 8-10 inches long. These measures comprise the whole tail.
This average size is one of the essential positives of having this species as a pet. Overall, pet partners prefer a species that is large enough to be visibly majestic. A larger lizard is also much more accessible to notice if they should appear to flee.
Though, a remarkably huge lizard can grow a grave responsibility. Have you ever faced a mature iguana with an attitude? It’s not much entertainment. The largest iguanas can grow up to six feet long, which signifies that they will need a whole place to themselves and a pack of a meal.
Geographical Range
The solely other collared lizard discovered inside the 100-Mile Circle is the Sonoran Collared Lizard.
Its population extends to the west and south of that of the Eastern Collared Lizard commonly. The areas of the two species are in vicinity in the Tucson region, where the Eastern Collared Lizard befalls in the Santa Catalina, Rincon, Santa Rita mountains, and Tortolita, and the Sonoran Collared Lizard happens in the Waterman, Silverbell, and Tucson hills, and at Black Mountain to the south of Tucson.
The Sonoran Collared Lizard usually transpires to lower altitudes, as well (presumably to nearly 300 m in the Circle), whereas the lowest heights for the Eastern Collared Lizard in the Circle are approximately 840 m. In the Circle, the Sonoran Collared Lizard is likewise almost completely an occupant of Sonoran wilderness scrub (but it can be located in remote spots of semi-desert meadow atop sand cliffs), whereas the Eastern Collared Lizard befalls in a diversity of plants communities.
These lizards are endemic to the desert scrubland and semi-barren area of the American Southwest. In Mexico, the species is centered in the north-central region along the Texas frontier.
They are prevalent across north and far-western Texas, as well as most of Oklahoma. Though, their territory in Oklahoma consists of distributed holes in semi-dry regions.
These openings often regarded as ‘glades,’ are related to a sand setting due to shallow soils, high elevation, and rocky ground. Study implies that most (if not entirely) of Oklahoma’s collared lizards are observed in those glades.
The collared lizard is well-known broadly in all of New Mexico, which shouldn’t shock anyone. It is further commonly seen in the western share of Arizona.
It should be remarked that there are numerous subspecies of this lizard, and if we combine their scopes, we discern that the collared lizard and its irregularities can be located in Baja, Northwestern Mexico, most of Nevada, and Southern California.
Diet & Feeding Habits
The nutrition of this lizard species alongside with grasshoppers and crickets beside it, they likewise consume other lizards as healthy. These spend a tiny bit more food to make daily motions. If you possess this lizard as a pet at your residence, then you need to take care of its intake.
Common Behavior
Wild-captured lizards are challenging to accommodate, but captive-born individuals commonly regard petting in pace. If frightened, however, they will not waver to snap. Collared Lizards can stand on their back legs when escaping from a crisis, summoning the form of a small, eccentric T-Rex. They are notably agile, and may instantly take advantage of break possibilities bestowed when their rooms are being repaired.
Collared Lizards are very energetic, scouring, proprietorial displays, going from warm to cooler areas, and drilling fills much of their time. Probably in reaction to a ‘bodily clock,’ they seldom resist food during the winter, even if held warm.
Reproduction & Life Cycle
If the female is not equipped to copulate, she will bend her back like a feline to stop his progress or even ascend on his back. When she is set, she will take his approaches and let him endeavor to couple with her. Eggs are commonly produced and embedded 21 to 28 days later in shady, moist holes and need between 45 and 65 days to nurture. These events differ, especially with various species. The growth rate is also reliant on temperature.
Once she has placed her eggs, the female will immerse them in gravel/soil. Some mums will immediately move about their responsibility as usual and others, perhaps because they aren’t so certain nobody is pursuing to excavate them up and devour them will often for a few days secure their clutch, though once they abandon the eggs, they will not revert. The standard clutch size is 5 or 6, but they have been famous for generating a dozen.
Once her eggs are yielded, she will supply strenuously, eggs hold up a lot of scope within her belly, so in the decisive days or week, she apparently hasn’t been fit to consume much, and will necessitate restoring the decency that moved into the eggs as well as supply the break in her pretty hollow tummy. Collared lizards are competent of maintaining sperm for extended times, and as such three or four clutches can be provided in a period without them mating again. When they start to produce new eggs, their gravid complexion will repeat, and the cycle is renewed.
When the new age starts to develop, they will serve on their embryo sac for several days before rising from their area of shelter to hunt for bugs. They are vigorous feeders and will consume anything small enough. Newborns develop swiftly and by the close of the summer, will be relatively healthy. Their orange and red pigmentation will normally occur as they get to defend them from grown-up males and they will consume lots, to produce and collect fat in anticipation for the winter.
When the coming spring enters, the females are generally physically developed. Female animals will generate, and whilst the growing males might venture to couple the females will typically decline their progress in an inclination to more sophisticated grown-ups. Female Collared Lizards develop gradually throughout their existence, although males will usually be entirely developed by roughly the age of 3. Their lifespan in the native is subject to dispute, though owners have reported confined collared lizards spanning 10 to 15 years.
How to Breed Collared Lizard?
Breeding collared lizards demand that the animals go through a stage of hibernation, as they do in the native.
Collared lizards must be strictly observed during the mating season, as males can be very assertive Mating generally consists of the male clasping the female by the collar, which can consequence in partial incisions. It is necessary to practice comparable-sized individuals and watch the animals firmly for wound signs or weight decline. In more critical situations, the male may charge and even salvage a smaller female.
Breeding remains for regularly one to two months except for the female double clutches. If she makes the double-clutch, supplement an extra five weeks or so to the reproducing season. There are normally three to eight eggs in a clutch. On standard, eggs are yielded three to four weeks after mating. It is a great approach to produce a suitable nesting space accessible, as mating is not eternally observed and development phases can alter.
We apply half-gallon Rubbermaid synthetic containers holding 11 inches long, 5 inches wide and 11⁄2 inches tall for gestation chambers. The lid is wrapped with a hood and 30 or more openings marking a quarter inch in broadness are punched within the side. The settings consist of a blend of moist coco coir, peat moss, and play sand.
The surplus liquid is pressed from the underlayer so that the eggs make not become too soggy. Victorious evolution of collared lizard eggs can transpire in a diversity of substrates. Some keepers have practiced HatchRite, vermiculite, and perlite with similar achievement.
The incubator is placed at 84 degrees. If eggs are prolific, they usually bear inside 55 to 65 days. As distant as we can speak, the temperature does not define member. However, keepers have not tested with this. Most of their clutches are half male and half female.
Hatchling Care
Offsprings are best accommodated in a spacious terrarium. A 40-gallon breeder vivarium can comfortably lodge up to 10 animals. As the animals mature, they should be divided to deter hostility between clutchmates. A paper napkin substrate is excellent, as this will limit the unintentional consumption of sand or small stones.
Lay several stones and sections of grape wood within the vivarium to work as relaxing sections. Equip offsprings with the identical temperatures and moisture you would provide grown-ups. They need to have humid burrows where they can avoid high temperatures if must be. Supply hatchlings one or two-week-old pests per day.
In some keeper’s experience, sexual adulthood is achieved in about two years. At 6 months old, they give the collars with passage to direct sunlight by setting them in outside cells that include 30 inches long, 11 inches wide and 11 inches tall. A room of this measurement can accommodate four hatchlings. Animals are observed to get sure they do not become agitated. Consecutive yawning and striving to leave the enclosure on the cold end are indications that a lizard is feverish. Cage device including shade and humid hides into a section of the enclosure will support avert blistering.
Care Sheet
They unquestionably do offer incredible pets, and their reputation is spreading. While their entire range is small opposed to some species, they do demand a lot of space. As discussed above, they’re quick and like to move.
Hides are a different matter, you should incorporate in your collared lizard’s container. This can be achieved by applying the standard, accurately sized, covering rocks observed in pet shops and online. Or possibly, you can create a strong hollow from flat rocks. Another point is to produce artificial shrubs that give shade. Collared lizards want somewhere to burrow to avoid the direct sunlight.
Collared Lizard’s dynamic condition requires an excellent deal of area. Juveniles can be raised in 20-gallon vivariums, while a particular grown-up is best held in a 30 gallon. A 55-gallon terrarium will include a couple or triad.
Due to the high relaxing temperatures needed, large cages are necessary if a warm inclination (regions of varying temperatures) is to be placed. Thermic gradients enable lizards to manage their body heat by going from hot to cooler areas. This practice, crucial to their well-being, is not feasible in small enclosures.
Collared Lizards are ground-inhabiting animals that utilize stones as lounging places and seats from which to watch for uncertainty. Rocks should constantly be installed on the vivarium’s basement so that lizards cannot burrow below them and be squashed in the process. Piled rocks should be fastened to the glass or one another with silicone if surmounting is a matter.
In extension to supplementing considerably to your terrarium’s artistic content, real plants will give a touch of safety and present vision limitations that serve to restrict aggressiveness. Beneficial examples introduce Snake Plants, Oxtongue, and Climbing and Lace Aloes.
As airflow is particularly relevant for animals endemic to desert territories, your terrarium should be furnished with a cover top.
Gravel or small rock mix is the most typical substrate for Collared Lizards. Even though compressions due to consumed sand are bizarre, it is most beneficial to give food in huge vessels so that sand consumption is restricted. Stones small enough to be eaten should have refrained.
Hatchlings are tactless animals and manage to consume a great deal of sand. Papers, paper napkins or pre-washed enclosure liners should be practiced until their abilities develop.
Light, Heat, and Humidity
Collared Lizards will not grow if refused regular exposure to a high balance of UVB radiation. Direct sunlight is most satisfying, but be conscious that glass and synthetic screen out UVB waves and that lethal overheating can transpire very promptly. If you employ a fluorescent bulb, select one intended for dry-dwelling lizards and place the basking section inside 6-12 inches of it.
Mercury vapor and halogen bulbs broadcast UVB over greater distances, and also emit beneficial UVA radiation. Be sure to provide shaded areas as well.
Collared Lizards need a relaxing site warmth of 95-100 F, but should be able to transfer into more lukewarm areas (78-85 F) as well. Temperatures can drop into the great 70’s at twilight. Incandescent bulbs may be utilized by day; porcelain radiators or red/black reptile “evening bulbs” are beneficial after nightfall.
Moisture should be held flat, and the substrate must be dehydrated at all periods.
Females and juveniles normally co-dwells, but groups must be observed as aggressive individuals may restrict others from feeding and lounging. Males will compete brutally and cannot be held together.
Food Nourishments
Filling your collared lizard a mixture of pests is an excellent approach to maintain them healthy. Pests such as wax worms, large crickets, moths, and cockroaches are utterly satisfactory. You may have to test with your collared lizard as they’re identified to be choosy eaters. Should you notice they’re not consuming a specific food, experiment out a separate one.
Solely serve your lizard what they will absorb before their evening period starts. Dropping crickets in their cage is inhibited because crickets can work together and snap your lizards. This can provoke and if neglected this approach for an extended period, improve minor wellness in your collared lizard.
Abdomen storing and sprinkling live pests with calcium powder and vitamins are needed to sustain your lizard’s overall well-being. Sprinkle the bugs at least double each week before serving.
It is suggested you have a clear bowl of water in their enclosure at all time. They presumably won’t sip from the dish at first, but over course, they will acquire to utilize it. Some owners drop water on the nostrils of their lizard while others drizzle the covers of their basking stones and plant accessories.
Most of their absorption, though, will get from the meat they absorb. Be careful to serve them unspoiled bugs and infrequently drop water on their nostrils. They will ultimately rub the water off.
Watering your Lizard
Being a wilderness animal, these lizards do not demand an excellent deal of water. Giving a great amount of water in their cells can be a dangerous approach because it may increase the moisture of the atmosphere.
You will require a small humidity measure for the container so that you can control this. This is not acceptable at all. The suggested approach is to sprinkle their cage with a water pitcher, enabling them to brush the droplets from each side.
This is how they regularly swallow in the native since their environments produce such limited water. Another problem is that, if you supply them a huge water dish, they will constantly drive through it and splatter the water throughout the cage.
This will alter your sand into the mud, and elevate the moisture even more as the powder drains out. If you have a severe crisis, you can plop some liquid straight onto their mouths. Merely make convinced you don’t drop it within their eyes, as it serves to get them quite enraged.
Handling Collared Lizards
In the beginning sections of this care sheet, it is discussed how active collared lizards move. They likewise don’t desire to be carried. The limitation of mobility induces anxiety, and therefore, a collared lizard is not a perfect pet for administration. If, however, you plan to have them as a show pet, they are one of the most delightful species of lizards to observe in custody.
Males can be playful and rebellious, particularly during the mating season. Infants and youngsters are a little giddy, but grown-ups normally manage efficiently. There’s commonly no intention to restrict a trained individual while touching.
They usually remain on your palm with restricted mobility. The interplay between these lizards and their human guardians is something queried out among reptile fanatics. Collared lizards are likewise some of the most natural lizards to reproduce in custody.
Venom & Bites
This lizard species don’t possess the poison organs. So, they are inadequate to create venom. But these hold the small razor-sharp teeth which can injure your flesh, and further throbbing if they snap you. Be attentive while touching it.
The sting of this lizard encounter you hurtful, and in some instances, it often is observed that the skin lightly rip off. You want to be cautious while managing it. You need to brush the piercing area if they snap you, which can be contagious.
Availability: Purchasing A Collared Lizard
There are several choices for purchasing a collared lizard, but some would suggest seeking for a breeder. Whether you are trading with a small specialty breeder or a large-range administrator, you should persist with custody-produced animals because they will be much more accessible to manage and far less prone to hurt you.
They may not be big enough to do severe injury with a snap, but you still don’t need to grab a prick if you can evade it. More significantly, a captive-raised creature is a lot less apt to bounce off your palm or collar and run rushing across the court at 16 miles per hour. Merely attempt getting one of these small fellows, when they sincerely don’t desire to be grabbed.
Their excessive velocity and aggressive characteristics deliver it a good plan to dodge pet stores. Most pet workshops don’t bear this kind nevertheless, and even if they appear, it’s a hazard because you hold no idea of understanding where the animal originated from.
All too frequently, pet stores receive their funds from merchants without identifying very much concerning the animal. In most circumstances, it will be tough if not impracticable to discover if that lizard in the pet shop glass is eager or bound. If you do notice one in a pet store, and you are considering obtaining it, your safest risk is to ignore whatever the storekeeper states and interpret by the action of the animal.
Conservation and Threats
The Collared Lizard is classified as a species of least concern on the 2013 IUCN Red List. Four can be caught per age or kept in ownership with a proven Arizona chasing permit, even though catching of this species is forbidden without specific permission in preserved fields such as National Park Service units and National Wildlife Refuges.
Additional Facts
- When the female lizard is bearing eggs, she produces brilliant red blemishes of shade on her body. This color will fade subsequent she has deposited the eggs.
- The female will yield wherever from 1-13 eggs in the early summertime. The origins do not mind for the youngsters when they arise from their eggs; the offsprings are in solitary.
- Collared lizards and iguanas are from the corresponding race
- When collared lizards remain to get their victim, they are seen to sometimes swing their tails back and forth, merely as felines make.
- Collared lizards have super-quick absorptions and require to consume live bugs each day
- Being biologically dimorphic proffers them accessible to copulates.
- Collared lizards are productive when they’re build up precisely and produce like rodents
Are Eastern collared lizards poisonous?
Males and male-female couples are extremely noticeable when so rested. As a warning symbol, even though not venomous, collared lizards can deliver a stinging nip that normally splits the skin if not managed correctly.
Are Eastern collared lizards good pets?
Collared lizards create excellent pets! They are profoundly belittled. These lizards do fine in custody when build-up precisely and they’re also notably natural to cultivate. Collared lizards are additionally comfortable to manage (normally).
How fast they run?
Dissimilar most lizards, when Common Collared Lizards begin racing at the highest rate (up to 26 km/h), they raise their front legs of the area and work on their back legs.
Does Collared Lizard regenerate tail?
Collared lizards cannot detach their tail in crisis and then restore their tailpiece.
How powerful is its mouth?
Collared lizards possess extremely strong muzzles that they utilize to catch bugs, grasshoppers, spiders, several other pests, small serpents, and even other lizards! They may likewise seldom consume several bush elements like beans and bulbs.
Are they nocturnal?
Common Collared Lizards are diurnal. They consume much of their mid-daylights, relaxing atop massive stones or fieldstones to stay heated.